Women, Watchtower and the New Testament.
Even in the New World Translation, and/or the Kingdom Interlinear Translation this is what is written:
Gal 3:28
For there is neither..male not femaleyou are all one in union with Christ (gender equality)
1 Cor. 11:5
but every woman that prays or prophecies (women ARE praying and prophesying in public)
1 Cor. 11:11
Besdies, neither is woman without man nor man without woman (gender equality)
1 Cor. 11: 12
For just as the woman is out of the man, so also the man is through the woman; (gender equality)
1 Cor 14:31
For you can all prophesy one by one (gender neutral/equality)
1 Cor 14: 28
For if there is no translator let him keep silent in the congregation(this is for men same as for the women)
1 Cor 14:31
And prophets are to be controlled by the prophets (gender equality)
1 Cor 14:34
Let the women keep silent in the congregations..not permitted for them to speak (this is for women same as for men)
1 Cor 14: 35
..let them question their own husbands at home (gender equality)
Acts 1:14
With one accord all these were persisting in prayer together with some women(gender equality)
Acts 2: 7,8,13,
ones and they (gender neutral)
Acts 2: 15
..these [people] are in fact not drunk (gender neutral)
Acts 2: 17
sons and daughters will prophesy (gender equality)
Col 3:18
Wives be in subjection to husbands (this is for women same as for men)
Eph 5:21
Be in subjection to one another (gender equality)
Eph 5:22
Let wives be in subjection to their husbands (this is for women same as for men)
Eph 5:25
Husbands continue loving your wives ..just as Christ delivered himself up. (gender equality)
1 Pet 5:5
..you younger men, be in subjection to the older men (gender equality) (some translations use submission here)
1 Tim. 1: 3-4
that you might command certain ones not to teach different doctrine. (gender neutral)
1 Tim 1: 6-7
certain ones have been turned asidewanting to be teachers of law..(gender neutral)
1 Tim 2: 1-2 (KIT literal)
in order that still and quiet living we may be leading through in all revering.. (this is for men same as for women)
1 Tim 2:11 (KIT literal)
woman in quietness let her be learning in all subjection (this is for women same as for men)
1 Tim 2:12 (KIT)
I do not permit a woman to teach or to exercise authority over a man (gender equality) (some scholars prefer usurp to exercise, usurping applies equally to both genders)
: Watchtower admits women are authorized to teach outside the congregation equally as men. They admit that outside the congregation, women in some cases are the heads of their households and in some cases are the spiritual heads of their households. (Shining as Illuminators..)In the Bible in general and Pauls writings in particular men and women are to be accorded equal treatment in the Christian congregation and within the marriage arrangement. ALL are to be submissive and/or in subjection to one another, but most specifically younger ones to older ones, Paul going so far as to say that older men working what is good within the congregation are to be accorded double honor (from men equally as women). Men and women both are to learn in quiet submissiveness and there is a time for both men and women to be silent within the congregation.
The correct rendering of some scriptures are still in contention such as the one where Paul is said to have stated that the man is head of the woman and Christ the head of the man, and woman being created for the sake of the man. Since rendering the meaning of these scriptures as, women being less than men, is in complete disagreement with MANY other scriptures, thus this rendering must be said to be suspect and it is recommended that more research should be made by the reader as to the point Paul was trying to make.
During his whole three and a half years of ministry here on earth, (and therefore the last three and a half years of his life) Jesus battled for the rights of women and children. So did Paul, and in Pauls case this theme reverberates throughout all of his combined writings beginning with Galations which Watchtower states was completed in 50-52 AD and ending with the Timothys which were completed between 61-65 AD. That is a fifteen-year period in which Paul stated and restated his position regarding women, and so there can be no doubt as to what he meant or felt. It is believed by many Biblical scholars and chroniclers that Paul died sometime in 65 or 66 CE and so this means that --
Paul spent the last 15 years of his life campaigning for equal rights for women in the Christian world.
The rest of the Bible, according to Watchtower was written between 64 and 98 AD. The issue of women and the congregation never came up again in those writings.
It can be safely assumed that Pauls brave efforts for the equality of women in the Christian world were successful.
This author hopes that it remains so both in our day and far into mankind's future.