In order to produce a publication such as "Should You Believe In The Trinity", someone had to go through all the extensive material utilized i.e the encyclopedeas, the dictionries and the articles. Seeing that most of the quotations in that publication were taken out of their context it is therefore safe to assume that the "Bowl Of Salad" method was used, meaning that they only picked the parts they they felt proved their point and discarded the rest. Consider for a moment the time it takes to read all the materials needed to produce this publication. you would have to read a particular reference in it's entirety and start a process of selection. You would therefore have to
consciously discard what you read which contradicts your original posotion and then arrange it in such a way as to make it look like the author of the article is in agreement with the WT. This takes time and effort which leads me to believe that this is no typo. I have to wonder how is it that the producers of this publication can in good concience read through the materials in question and disregard sentences that flat out contradict their point of view. One is indeed entitled to a slip up now and then, but over and over I see a trend of misrepresentation that leads me to believe that the person or persons who "Researched" these materials knows the doctrine of the tri-unity of God to be true and has deliberately falsified the information in order to prove a doctrine which the organization believes to be false is false.
It can be said, that the Watchtower (The higher ups)believes the tri-unity of God to be true.