
by gravedancer 7 Replies latest jw friends

  • gravedancer

    As one sees the facts of science and learns that evolution is a fact one then begins to look at the collateral effects and circumstances of the human situation and as one of the sojourners who has come down this path I find myself looking at things in a new context.

    First the basis of my position is that evolution is true and that the Darwinist viewpoint holds true that it is all about survival. With EVERYTHING being about survival how do I view the world? How do I view my place in it? How do I find relevance for me personally?

    I dont know the answers to those questions because my heart is interfering with my head..I dont want to know the answers because I fear the meaning of the answers. What do I propose the meaning of the answers is? NOTHINGNESSI am afraid of nothingness.

    Fear of nothingness falls into the context of survival too.if we discover nothingness the purpose of our survival instinct is compromised (at least that seems like a logical outcome to me). So our survival instinct places in us a fear of nothingnessit also places in us such things as emotions, desires, cravings, drives, moods, intentions, preferences. These are mental states, how and why are they there? Are they present in other species? Are they present en masse in other species? What purpose do they serve?

    Contextually, they are all there to support advanced species such as man. The mental states cause and influence behaviors which protect the individual members and collectives within the species. They are all manifestations of instinct. That instinct is there to mask the nothingness. When you see the nothingness the survival of the species is threatened with change or self destruction.

    When you see the nothingness it feels like you have died inside.I hate it!!!!

    Edited by - gravedancer on 4 August 2002 1:48:15

  • MrMoe


    amanda says:
    how do u prove other energies that you cannot touch see or feel

    amanda says:
    you see, i AM like a child always wondering why

    amanda says:
    if i tell u this

    amanda says:
    you will think i am nuts

    amanda says:
    totally and utterly nuts

    amanda says:
    ok before my mother died

    amanda says:
    i was sitting on my bed

    amanda says:
    messing with my tarot cards

    amanda says:
    put them away and wrapped them in a black cloth

    amanda says:
    well first i put them in thier box

    amanda says:
    then wrapped them

    amanda says:
    then i got up and walked to my closet suddenly

    amanda says:
    something grabbed them

    amanda says:
    and i almost fell forward

    amanda says:
    holding onto my cards

    amanda says:
    some cards when flying out

    amanda says:
    as if they were ripped from my hands

    amanda says:
    3 landed on my VERY cluttered desk -- flew SIDEWAYS

    amanda says:
    and landed perfectly straight face up as if they were carefully placed

    amanda says:
    face up

    amanda says:
    i looked at them

    amanda says:
    Death, 10 of Swords and Judgement -- the 3 cards that predict death ONLY if shown together

    amanda says:
    i got a chill

    amanda says:
    and my house lights flickered for a moment

    amanda says:
    and i knew

    amanda says:
    at that moment

    amanda says:
    my mother was going to die

    amanda says:
    the next day

    amanda says:
    i went to the hospital

    amanda says:
    and a woman

    amanda says:
    was in my mother's hospital room

    amanda says:
    mind you my mom is always in the hospital

    amanda says:
    and she came up to me -- looked me square in the eye and said

    amanda says:
    with a firm handshake

    amanda says:
    I am Janis, i am here to pick up my mother

    amanda says:
    my real mother's name was Janis -- and my grandparents (her mom) adopted me

    amanda says:
    another strange lady

    manda says:
    walked into the room

    amanda says:
    and mom my looked at her

    amanda says:
    and she said WOW you look just like my sister Lillian who passed away

    amanda says:
    she said

    amanda says:
    I am here to watch over you to make things comfortable for you

    amanda says:
    and to tell youa

    manda says:
    we are waiting

    amanda says:
    then she left

    amanda says:
    mom and i were like OK

    amanda says:

    amanda says:
    i left the hospital

    amanda says:
    and was in the hospital parking lot

    amanda says:
    and an old man who works for the hospital

    amanda says:
    drives a golf cart to take people

    amanda says:
    to their cars

    amanda says:
    he told me and Emmie to hop in

    amanda says:
    one look at him and i freaked

    amanda says:
    he looked JUST LIKE my mom's father (grandma mom)

    amanda says:
    he saida

    manda says:
    your daughter looks just like you

    amanda says:
    must be a family trait

    amanda says:
    (all us look the same -- my grandma-mom, janis-mom, me and emmie) (i have 2 mothers as i was adopted and my Janis-mom died when i was 3)

    amanda says:

    amanda says:
    he said

    manda says:
    My name is Obie

    amanda says:
    i come to take people to where it is that they are going

    amanda says:
    her father's name was Obie

    amanda says:
    i about died

    amanda says:
    right there

    amanda says:

    amanda says:
    the night my mother died

    amanda says:
    i was sitting at work

    amanda says:
    and suddenly

    amanda says:
    i began to cry

    amanda says:
    and i i knew my mom had passed

    amanda says:
    5 minutes later

    amanda says:
    there was a phone call

    amanda says:
    and my dad said

    amanda says:
    she is gone now

    amanda says:
    i went to see her

    amanda says:
    boy was i a mess

    amanda says:

    amanda says:
    the nurse

    amanda says:
    was there

    amanda says:
    and she said

    amanda says:
    i want to give you a message

    amanda says:
    i want to tell you because i know your father will not because he is a JW

    amanda says:
    and she said cause of my tattoos she knew ia was not

    amanda says:
    she said

    amanda says:
    before my mother died

    amanda says:
    she talked to God

    amanda says:
    and she looked up

    amanda says:
    and she had a real live conversation

    amanda says:
    and she told God

    amanda says:
    she was ready now

    amanda says:
    and that

    amanda says:
    she could see

    amanda says:
    the light

    amanda says:
    and she cried

    amanda says:
    and she said

    amanda says:
    but what are Jack and Amanda going to do

    amanda says:
    without me

    amanda says:
    and she said

    amanda says:
    father knows best

    amanda says:
    after silence

    amanda says:
    the nurse

    amanda says:
    walked in so mom could see her

    amanda says:
    gave her morphine

    amanda says:
    then dad came

    amanda says:
    and 10 minutes later she was gone

    amanda says:
    few days days before

    amanda says:
    we were told

    amanda says:
    she was not going to die

    amanda says:
    but i knew

    amanda says:
    she was

    amanda says:
    and then i stood there

    amanda says:
    and the nurse said

    amanda says:
    your mother want in peace

    amanda says:
    and she is a girl now

    amanda says:
    so i left

    amanda says:
    and walked into the parking lot

    amanda says:
    and then i felt funny

    amanda says:
    and i heard birds singing

    amanda says:
    i never hear birds sing at night

    amanda says:
    and i got in my car

    amanda says:
    and a song came on

    amanda says:
    Mona Lisa (weird cause i never listen to dumb radio stations)

    manda says:
    mom used to sing

    amanda says:
    Mona Lisa to me

    amanda says:
    all of the time

    amanda says:
    because when i was 15 my face was paralyzed (it isn't anymore btw)

    amanda says:
    then i cried

    amanda says:
    and said

    amanda says:

    amanda says:
    i love you

    amanda says:
    and things hurt so much

    amanda says:
    and all i want is to be satisfied

    amanda says:

    amanda says:
    will you look after me

    amanda says:

    amanda says:
    another song came on

    amanda says:
    right after the first

    amanda says:
    Simple Man

    amanda says:
    and in the song

    amanda says:
    a mother tells her child

    amanda says:
    alll i want is for you to be satisfied

    amanda says:
    i went home

    amanda says:
    and began to clean

    amanda says:
    do not ask me why

    amanda says:
    and i found

    amanda says:
    a brochure

    amanda says:
    of jw stuff

    amanda says:
    so i went to throw them away

    amanda says:
    and one

    amanda says:
    flew out

    amanda says:
    you see

    amanda says:
    after mom died

    amanda says:
    dad told me

    amanda says:
    that when he sees her again

    amanda says:
    they will be so younger

    amanda says:
    and they will run through a field of wild flowers

    amanda says:
    and that mom told him this that morning

    amanda says:
    the brochure

    amanda says:
    was a jw brochure

    amanda says:
    and the picture

    amanda says:
    landed so perfectly straight

    amanda says:
    the picture

    amanda says:
    was a young boy

    amanda says:
    and a young girl

    amanda says:
    running through a field of wild flowers

    amanda says:

    amanda says:
    a week later

    amanda says:
    i was having dinner with a friend

    amanda says:
    and i said

    amanda says:
    my mom is here

    amanda says:
    right now

    amanda says:
    with me

    amanda says:
    a man got up

    amanda says:
    and went to a juke box

    amanda says:
    i watched hima

    manda says:
    don't ask why

    amanda says:
    he played 2 songs

    amanda says:
    Mona Lisa

    amanda says:
    and Simple Man

    amanda says:

    amanda says:
    call em a lair

    amanda says:
    call me crazy

    amanda says:
    i dont' care

    amanda says:
    i know what i saw

    amanda says:
    what i heard

    amanda says:
    and how i felt

    amanda says:
    and i promise you this

    amanda says:
    i am shaking right now

    amanda says:

    amanda says:
    i cannot believe this myself

    amanda says:

    amanda says:
    it is true

    amanda says:
    and there is life after death

    amanda says:
    mamma showed me there is

    amanda says:
    now u tell me

    amanda says:
    if this

    amanda says:
    is all coincidence

    amanda says:
    or ifamanda says:
    it was

    amanda says:
    something beyond sight

    amanda says:
    the way you feel when you love --

    amanda says:
    an energy that cannot be proven

    Edited by - MrMoe on 4 August 2002 2:21:50

  • Satanus

    Yes, it's a scarey feeling. Many meditators have overcome their fear of it.

    Can it be proven that that is our destiny? I don't think so.


  • MrMoe

    Edited by - MrMoe on 4 August 2002 2:42:8

  • Siddhashunyata

    gravedancer, despair comes from fear. Unless I misunderstand , you are afraid of nonexistence (nothingness). I know that fear . It is a form of suffering and its source is in the persisting ignorance we have of our true nature. The answer does not lie in concepts such as existence or non existence or, life or death or, evolution or creation or, mind or matter etc. ect. The answer lies in the direct perception of your true nature which perception can only occur when conceptualizing ceases. At that point both the question and the answer become irrelevent. If you need to pursue the concept of nothingness I suggest you seek out the writings of Nagarjuna ( 2nd century ) considered to be the father of philosophical Mahayana Buddhism. He wrote " Seventy Stanzas" on the psychology of "Emptiness". We are not talking about replacing one set of ideas with another set. We are talking about direct perception into our nature. That alone will eliminate all fear.

  • Dizzy Cat
    Dizzy Cat

    EVOLUTION - a fact ?

  • onacruse

    "Hope" is the thing with feathers-
    That perches in the soul-
    And sings the tunes without the words-
    And never stops-at all-.
    Emily Dickinson

    Existence itself does not feel horrible; it feels like an ecstasy, rather, which we have only to be still to experience.
    John Updike

  • gravedancer

    I guess I was just on about nothing...

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