Women and the 'Pioneer' ('Illuminators') book

by ScarabKing 4 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • ScarabKing

    Below is the Chapter entitled "The Christian Woman Walking With God" starting from page 51 of the "Shining as Illuminators in the World" (1989) by the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society.

    The Christian Woman Walking With God


    At a time of unrst and discontent among many peopie with regard to their lot in life, Jehovah's dedicated servants are blessed with the of fulfillment. They find true happiness in walking with God.

    In some lands women today have organized themselves for the purpose of fighting the discrimination and oppression to which they have been unjustly subjected by unappreciative men. But even when they have attained some measure of success, true happiness hasnot resulted. The very means used for gaining freedom from oppression have often brought even greater frustrations.

    On the other hand, the woman who is a true Christian has found that the key to happiness lies in one's walking with God. As a member of the Christian congregation, she has come to understand her responsibilities before God. With this primary relationship in clear focus, she has been able to adjust to other relationships that seem to present extreme difficulties to other women. If she is married, she can now recognize her husband in the role assigned to him by God. She can understand her relationship to other men who, along with her, are also walking with God.

    In many lands there are more women than men proclaiming the good news to others. Multitudes of women are responding to the good news. It is importantfor you to understand and fully appreciate the role of the woman in the Christian congregation. Only in that way will you be able to help women to become truly liberated today. For this reason we consider the subject "The Christian Woman Walking With God."


    A Favored Position of Dignity and Respect

    Regarding the honorable relationship between man and woman as established in the beginning, what do you learn from Genesis 2:20-24?

    How does Ephesians 5:28-31 show that God's view of the husband and wife relationship has not changed?

    How is the woman benefited and protected as "a weaker vessel"?

    What would make the woman "a crown to her owner"? (Prov. 12:4)

    Submission to Headship not Distasteful to the Woman Walking With God

    Who originated the headship arrangement and for what reason? (I Cor. 11:3; 14:34, 40

    How does Galatians 3:26-28 show that the headship arrangement does not stem from some bias on the part of God?

    Why does wifely subjection not bring hardship upon the woman in the Christian home? (Rom. 12: 10)

    When the Christian woman is in subjection to an unbelievinghusband, what benefit may result? (I Pet. 3:1, 2)

    [Relate experiences published in the Society's publications demonstrating this point.]

    Even when there is no such favorable outcome, why can she find satisfaction in showing respect for headship? (Col. 3:18, 23)

    What headship is the Christian woman to recognize besides the headship of her husband? ( 1 Tim. 2: 11-14; 1 Cor. 14:35

    How would a woman show that she recognizes the headship principle when caring for matters pertaining to worship that would ordinarily be handled by her husband or by a dedicated male member of the congregation? (1 Cor. 11:4 5)

    Read 1 Corinthians 11:2-16 and then explain why a Sister should use a head covering in the

    following situations: (w72 pp. 445-7)

    She prays or conducts a Bible study with her undedicated children or with others in the presence of her undedicated husband

    She conducts a Bible study with her children, including her 14-year-old son who is baptized.

    She takes a brother such as the service overseer or the circuit overseer with her on a prearranged home Bible study, which she conducts

    She conducts a congregationally arranged meeting for field service.

    Why does she not need a head covering in the following situations?

    While her husband is not present, she conducts a Bible study with her children, including a nondedicated son.

    She conducts a home Bible study with a family of interested people that includes husband, wife, and children.

    She prays before going out in field service with two other sisters whom she has invited to go

    with her.

    She speaks with people as she goes from house to house while accompanied by her husband or by one of the brothers in the congregation.

    While witnesing from house to house or making a return visit with a brother she starts and conducts a home Bible study.

    She reads paragraphs at a Congregation Book Study. (km 6/80 p. 4) She translates what a speaker says at a congregation meeting for the benefit of persons understanding another

    language or for the deaf.

    Why may a sister desire to wear a head covering under certain circumstances that do not really

    require her to do so? (1 Tim. 1:5)

    How would you harmonize the principle of subjection to one's husband with the principles of Acts 5:29?

    Privileges and Responsibilities of the Christian Woman Walking With God

    What important responsibility of the woman is indicated at Proverbs 31:1? 1

    What constructive work can the discerning woman do accordingto Titus 2-3-5

    What lesson can Christian women learn from Luke 10: 38-42?

    With regard to dress and grooming, what balance does the Christian woman need to show? ( 1 Tim. 2: 9, 10; 1 Pet. 3: 3,4)

    Why is this important?

    In what vast field of service have women shared effectively, with great benefit to many? (Acts 2:17, 18; 18:26)

    Why is this such a vital service for them to perform? (Rom. 10:13, 14; 1 Cor 9:16)

    What rewards do Christian women receive for their faithfully walking with God?

  • Prisca

    And your point is ????

  • StinkyPantz


    I was wondering the same thing!

  • ozziepost

    G'day ScarabKing and welcome aboard!

    We're always glad to 'see' new ones amongst us.

    Thanks for your post of the chapter from the Illuminators book, which I'm sure, must have taken some effort to type up and post, but did you miss out part of your post, like some comments etc?

    Just wondering.

    Cheers, Ozzie

  • Cassiline

    Welcome ScarabKing!!!

    Great research. Hope to see more of your posts.

    Perhaps the above thread was meant as a follow up to this thread??


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