Rehoboam - King of the Watchtower!

by metatron 7 Replies latest jw friends

  • metatron

    Once upon a time, three ex-circuit overseers were called
    upon to investigate why brothers weren't volunteering for
    Bethel service. They accumulated a pile of evidence that
    conditions in Bethel were horrible (1970's, not the country
    club atmosphere of today)and that word was getting out.

    Of course, the theocrats acted predictably and blasted the
    whole study as rebellion. However, they 'shafted' (demoted)
    the three brothers who led the study - very carefully

    "The Society doesn't like to create martyrs".

    I'd say with the cruel handling of the child molestation
    scandal, they've forgotten their own history - and given birth
    to a whole CROWD of martyrs!

    Worse, the Watchtower has never faced an organized, international
    easy- to- use, easy - to- contribute- to form of opposition
    like the internet. In fact, there has never been anything in
    their history that even comes close to the form of underground
    exposure that they now face.

    The beauty here is the truth of the proverb, "you reap what
    you sow". They've been dictatorial and secretive for so long,
    they are now threatened by the ability of any Witness with
    a computer to damage them. They've denigated the whole concept
    of individual conscience so badly, that it's now humorous
    to see them enraged by 'loyal Witnesses' clandestine postings!

    When you look at years of Rutherford and Knorr initiated
    cruelty, I guess you can't expect much more than the vicious
    and unrepentant response they're making.

    Rehoboam rules the Watchtower!
    The people look for mercy and get whipped with scorpions.

    And these guys are 'saints'?


  • ozziepost

    Rehoboam class? Most apt.

    What stands out for me is the destructive actions of individual elders who have caused shipwreck to the faith of so many. Experience after experience heard today shows the same thing. The Society has developed a class of men who rule with Pharisaical methods and without the love of Christ.

    So to those lurking here who may have had a bad experience with elders, please take this encouragement to you: you are not alone.

    To many people the borg has become an evil empire ruled by those like the advisers to King Rehoboam. He chose the younger elders with their harsh remedies to the advisers to his father, King Solomon. You may also be encouraged by others who have progressed on life's path, and found, in many cases, a very personal faith and reliance on Jehovah.

    Cheers, Ozzie

  • Francois

    Die Watchtower, die! Die soon! Die publically! Die slow and hard; but DIE!

    Tell you what! I'll help!

    You bastards,

    Yay us, boo y'all.

  • zev

    hey metatron

    here is the watchteretts, (jehogies) leader....founder of a "modern day" cult.

  • belbab


    I think it is in Isaiah, where it says the king, threatened with invasion from the north, sent down to Egypt for hundreds of chariots. They were told by the prophet that Jah would send far swifter chariots to lay them low because of their unfaithfulness.

    Today the WT has gone down into Egypt for swift chariots, huge printing facilities, legal department, organization, public relations.

    But far swifter chariots are now pursuing them, computers in the hands of thousands throughout the world. They cannot compete. They are still in the horse and buggy days, colporteurs sent out door to door by the man whose picture comes before this post.


  • patio34

    Hi Metraton,

    Great thinking!

    Belbab, That's a very good "application of scripture" also!

    Hoist them with their own petards, I say!


  • minimus

    "once upon a time"....metaton is this story of the 3 wiseman, I mean ex CO's verifiable?

  • proplog2

    Using the Bell Curve you can bet that at least 10% of JW's who have access to the internet frequently do research into the questionable sites. There are probably a significant number who would never check out apostate sites because they are too busy downloading porn.

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