Why is it that the WTS likens their "Governing Body" with the Royal priesthood of Israel when it attempts to reason that it has God's Holy Spirit and backing, while at the same time, when this same Jewish priesthood in discussed in a negative context it is NEVER likened to the Governing Body. WHY?
Every time that the same Jewish Priesthood's is said to be the object of God's wrath, the WTS says that it actually represents Christendom and the judgements it will receive. It appears that the WTS is only likening themselves to the royal priesthood of Isarael when it is convenient for them.
Have not the WTS leaders sinned to the same degree--- if not more--- than the self righteous Jewish Priests of old? Have they not apostatized from God by failing to give Him honor and worship and affiliating themselves with the UN? Have they not put their law on the shoulders of men to their own detriment by mishandling countless child abuse cases within their congregations?
Edited by - YoursChelbie on 4 August 2002 12:38:43
Edited by - YoursChelbie on 4 August 2002 23:48:33