David Quigley www.alchemyinstitute.com is a website. My HypnoTheraphist went through his program, as well as many others.
I was given a pamphlet to read about the process, however I was quite ready to see past lives and had on many occasions before this theraphy had personal visions of them.
Energy work and Meditation much like Karate, can be read about, but until you learn from someone who is the "real thing", it is all just so much theory. Reading will program your mind with possibilities, but the expierence of feeling and knowing a state of conscousness usually will not come from a book, but from a personal expirement. When you are around others who can DO, it will effect you. I have read so many books on Karate, and meditation, Yoga, ChiKung, Reiki, astral projection, Eckankar etc. I recommend you try to connect with a group who is actually practicing what you are intrested in right now, get any books they recommend because those are the ones that will come to life in that group. You will find others seeking the same working knowledge, and you will find those who have mastered and are teaching what they know. I recommend the "softer styles" of martial arts. However I was very much into a hard/soft style, UechiRyu from Okinawa. There are Reiki groups where you can actually "feel" the energy these people have learned to radiate from thier hands. If you cannot feel or sense it, then it isn't real for you, don't waste a lot of time pretending or wanting it to be real, move on and find what you are personally drawn to.
The fastest way to advance and learn is to, right off, realize that you are on a quest to learn truth about yourself, and all the changes you encounter will be in yourself. Your path is unique. Trust your own feelings, listen to and expierement on yourself. For me karate offered the ability to integrate mind and body, it also offered many "contridictory truths" which seem to bring the mind closer to the "knowing state" a type of Zen. An example would be "You are the most powerfull and strongest when you are the most relaxed" this is a seeming contridiction. However in sparring practice, those who are the most relaxed are the ones who strike the fastest, hit the hardest, with the least amount of wasted effort. They can go much longer, then those who are ridgid and hard all the time. Mastering the art of soft energy flow inside your arms, while keeping the outer muscles hard and tight, using dynamic tension, is also a contridiction which leads to the ability to break boards. The secret to fast punches lies in mentally connecting with your arms as you strike and identifing only those muscles necessary for the movement, strengthing only those and totally relaxing all the others. How can anyone teach you these things? You have to ultimatly look inside yourself and start to do it yourself. However being around someone who can strike out at you extremely fast and merely touch your chest gently, can be quite an inspiration if this is what you are trying to master. No amount of reading about it will give you so much motivation to master it alone, without any proof of where you can actually take it. Someone else is the proof!
It does not matter if you are seeking abilities in Karate, enlightnement through Yoga, healing in Reiki, or self help like in AA, or just to quit smoking, working in a group is a most effective way to go because you will find ones at all different places along the path, giving you proof as well as inspiration as to what is possible. Just don't attach to any of them in a needy sort of way, don't loose yourself in the group, remember you are there for you, not them. "Iron sharpens iron" find someone in the group at your level to work with. The psychic stuff will come along after the physical stuff is well in hand. Begin in your body then move outwards, you could try some massage work, see what you feel, what is real to you. If you can feel and work with your aura then go straight to some kind of Reiki healing or astral projection. The emotional stuff will come up next, and finally the "knowing". I really believe in the statement "Everything happens for a reason, and in such a way as to effect the most people possible." You see this very quickly when working with groups.
I say with the greatest of love and laughter, "We are all beings of Light", because I have expierenced it myself, not because I read it somewhere.....LOL, and it fills me with so much joy I sit here and laugh...LOL I laugh at how I used to take my problems so seriously, how I used to struggle so hard to get nowhere, how I used to worry about every little thing! Well I still do only now It's all rather humerous to me...LOL
So tell me, can you define what exactly is your goal, your intention, your desire to learn about? To become proficient at? To become immersed in life, you first need a direction, then you need a practicle technique to master, one that is real, and then some examples from others who have done it and can DO it because this is the bottom line. When you can DO something, only then does your "personal reality" change.
Edited by - libra_spirit on 5 August 2002 15:42:1