I'm actively seeking any news from anyone from this area about friends and family in this area. I am especially interested in the Coleman family, the Farr family, and my great aunt, Clara Carlson. I love them and miss them dearly. Any news that you can give me will be greatly appreciated. All contact will be kept confidential if you wish.
To my family:
Scot Coleman
Holly Coleman
Matthew Coleman
Natalie Coleman
Audrey Farr
Joanna Farr
Michael Farr
David Farr
Clara Carlson
I love you all and miss you dearly. If you wish to contact me, email me at the address provided. I am still living at the same residence in Salem. If you need to call me collect, I am still at my old number. If you have lost the number, then email me and I will give it to you. All contact with me will be kept in the strictest confidence.
Tammy Coleman Fisher
Edited by - UglyDuckling on 4 August 2002 19:0:22