WT statement in response to Witchcraft thread

by ashitaka 2 Replies latest jw friends

  • ashitaka

    Do you dance in circles in white dresses addressing tree spirits to show themselves? Then you might be candidate for the devil riding your ass like a Harley.

    In todays world, many people may turn to witchcraft as the answer; but is it?

    In ancient times, witches would summon demons and listen to Led Zepplin. Stairway to Zambagooga, as heaven was called at the time, was chanted over human sacrifices in front of children. They all wore miniskirts as part of their devilish activities.

    Now, of course you may say, "I myself want nothing to do with devils....I simply want to be a spiritual naturalist." But, is that possible?

    These days human sacrifices are outlawed, so witches turn to more deceptive means.

    One Jehovah's Witness and former witch has to say, "I was sacrificing animals all of the time. It was no big thing. Then we would all turn on Led Zepplin or Jimi Hendrix and summon the devil for fun. But, we really didn't know what we were getting ourselves into."

    Falicia goes on to say, "One time we all had this smurf doll. Mary Kate said, "O broom kallamesh!" and the doll started to walk around. Of course this didn't bother us, because we reanimated dead things all of the time. But this time, instead of dancing around the doll, I followed it to the local Kingdom Hall."

    Why would a demonized smurf go to a kingdom hall? Because it must've known the only place to find true spiritual food is behind the doors of a Kingdom Hall as one of Jehovah's Witnesses.

    "When I went in and they started to talk to me, I found out that my life was totally worthless. Everything before I was a Witness was moot, and this comforted me. As they burned the smurf doll, it ran around and started to make the curtains catch on fire. Seeing that, I decided I needed a change. Having such a feeling of self-loathing was purifying, and in time, I came to be just like everyone else in the Hall, and all because Jehovah led me there with that smurf."

    Now, won't we all take counsel from Falicia and follow your personal smurf to the Kingdom hall? You're sure to find true conformity there! -Pslam 982:93

  • Francois

    Well, I certainly am confused. Don't know about the rest of you of course, but I am.

    I guess that was parody, or euphemism, or something.

    But when you think of it, isn't it kind of nutty that the following sequence of events took place, viz. witchcraft?

    1. Christianity begins as a sect within Judaism.
    2. Via Rome, Christianity - now more or less Catholicism - spreads around western Europe.
    3. The former indigenous nature religions (Wicca) are of course attacked by the Church.
    4. This attack by the Church is based on distortions and lies, just like the JWs today. These lies included: summoning the devil, human sacrifice - especially of children, spells, hexes, traffic with demons. The usual.
    5. Based on these lies, the Churchy types go after the Wiccans and damn near wipe 'em out. Some books and other histories remain, carefully hidden from the church. This leaves the Church to write the histories. And they do.
    6. And now today, we have the Jehovah's Witlesses, swallowing WHOLE the histories written by its arch-enemy, the Catholic Church. Thus, we have smurfs walking out of kingdom halls. We have grown men and women stripping off wallpaper with little crosses in the pattern 'cause it's got deeeeeeminz in it.

    Arent' you proud, PROUD to be a human being? Well, aren't you?

    Wicca. A beautiful nature religion. A male god force; a female god force. Combine these two in The All. No thought of the debil, no deeminz, no bullshit Jehoober Witlesses.

    God is not nature, nature is not God; but God is IN nature surely. Thus there is Truth in Nature; there is virtually NONE with the Jehoober Witlesses.

    That cult MUST go. It just must.


  • Robdar

    Wow Ashitaka,

    To think that it was the devil riding my ass all this time! LOL.

    Waiting for you in the trees to summon a few spirits,


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