Test A JW with the Following Questions

by youdontknowhim 3 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • youdontknowhim


    Test a Jehovahs Witness belief today with the following questions: You will be surprise of the answer they will give you.

    • DO YOU BELIEVE, Jesus was crucified on a cross?

    See old Watchtower Magazine from prior to 1930 known as The Watchtower Herald of Christs presence. In the upper right hand corner of the cover page there is a cross inserted in a crown which is one of the Masonic symbols.

    • DO YOU BELIEVE, Michael worships Jesus Christ?

    The Watchtower; Nov. 1879; Page 4; His position (Jesus) is contrasted with that of men and angels, as he is Lord of both, having All power in heaven and earth. Hence it is said, let all the angels of God worship him: [That must include Michael the chief angel, hence Michael in not the Son of God] and the reason is because he has by inheritance obtained a more excellent Name than they.

    The Watchtower; July 15, 1898; Page 216; Yes, we believe our Lord Jesus while on earth was really worshipped and properly so.

    • DO YOU BELIEVE, Christmas is important no matter what date it is observed?

    The Watchtower; Dec. 15, 1903; Page 457; Christmas is an important event and it should be celebrated and properly join all those whose hearts are in the attitude of love and appreciation toward God and toward the Savior.

    The Watchtower; Dec. 1, 1904; Page 364; Since the celebration of our Lords birth is not a matter of divine appointment or injunction, but merely a tribute of respect to him, it is not necessary for us to quibble particularly about the date. We may as well join with the civilized world in celebrating the grand event on the day which the majority celebrate-Christmas Day.

    The Watchtower; Dec. 15, 1926; Page 371; Christmas is very important regardless of the Date it occurred.

    • DO YOU BELIEVE, Pastor Russell was the faithful and discreet slave?

    The Watchtower; April 15, 1904; page 125. The faithful and discreet slave is one individual and not a company of people.

    The Watchtower; Dec. 1, 1916; page 357 & 374. Pastor Russell claimed he was the faithful discreet slave in private conversation with people.

    • DO YOU BELIEVE, Jesus returned in 1874?

    The Watchtower; Feb. 1881; page 188; A new view of truth never can contradict a former truth. New light never extinguishes older light but adds to it. Jesus returned invisibly in 1874.

    The Battle of Armageddon; Studies in the Scriptures; Series IV; 1897; page 621; Our Lord, the appointed King, is now present, since October 1874 A.D., according to the testimony of the prophets

    The Watchtower; Sept. 15, 1922; page 278; Jesus returned in 1874 to power.

    The Watchtower; March 1, 1923; page 67; The scriptures show that his second presence was due in 1874.

    The Watchtower; Jan. 1, 1924; page 5, Surely there is not the slightest room for doubt in the mind of a truly consecrated child of God that the Lord Jesus is present and has been since 1874.

    Creation; 1927; (2,175,000 edition); page 289; The scriptural proof is that the period of his presence (Jesus) and the day of Gods preparation is a period from 1874 A.D. forward.

    • DO YOU BELIEVE, Jesus is the Alpha and the Omega?

    The Finished Mystery; 1917; Page 15; I am the Alpha and the Omega. The first and the last. Our Lords great honor is shown in that He was not only the first of Gods creation, but the last.

    The Finished Mystery; 1917; Page 57; Jesus was not raised in the flesh.

    The Finished Mystery; 1917; Page 318; Jesus is the Alpha and the Omega.

    • DO YOU BELIEVE, Roman 10:14 is applied to Jesus Christ?

    The Watchtower; Dec. 1, 1903; Page 3282; Roman 10:14 is applied to Jesus.

    • DO YOU BELIEVE, All the creatures in heaven and on earth worships the Son Jesus.

    The Watchtower; Aug. 15, 1941; Page 252; All the creatures in heaven and on earth worships the Son Jesus.

    • DO YOU BELIEVE, Jehovah disposed of Jesus body by dissolving it into constituent elements of atoms?

    The Watchtower; Sept. 1, 1953; Page 518; What happened to the perfect fleshly body of Jesus after his death? The Scriptures answer: It was disposed of by Jehovah God, dissolved into its constituent elements of atoms.

    • DO YOU BELIEVE, ex-priest Johannes Greber, who is a spiritualist claimed spirits helped him in his translation of the New Testament?

    The Watchtower; Feb. 15, 1956; Page 110; The Watchtower quotes a ex-priest Johannes Greber, who is a spiritualist states spirits helped him in his translation of the New Testament.

    The Watchtower; Feb. 15, 1956; Page 111; Late in the summer of 1923 Gods holy spirits contacted Pastor Greber. In his spare time he started to work on his book Communication with the Spirit World. Later he translated the New Testament with the help of Gods spirit World. At times, he was given the correct answers in large illuminated letters and words passing before his eyes.

    DO YOU BELIEVE, Jesus returned in 1881 for the anointed class and the door was shut and no one can be a member of the anointed class at this point?

    The Watchtower; Oct/Nov. 1881; page 289; Jesus returned in 1881 for the anointed class. The door was shut and no one can be a member of the anointed class at this point.

    DO YOU BELIEVE, The six volumes of Studies in the Scriptures are practically the bible itself and all you need is to read these volumes without the Bible and still be in the truth?

    The Watchtower; Sept 10, 1910; page 4685. The six volumes of Studies in the Scriptures are practically the bible itself. Reading the bible alone for 10 years, a person can go into darkness, but reading the six volumes of Studies in the Scriptures without the bible, the person can be in the light.

    • DO YOU BELIEVE, the Bible has mistakes?

    The Watchtower; April 1, 1920; page 103; It is freely admitted, The Finish Mystery has mistakes, so does the bible.

    • DO YOU BELIEVE, the Holy Spirit has been taken away in 1918 when Christ came to the temple to gather the faithful ones?

    Preservation; 1932; pages 193-194; The Holy Spirit was taken away from the Watchtower when Jesus pronounced Judgement in 1918 when he came to the temple and gathered the faithful ones.

    DO YOU BELIEVE, angels sends the message to the Watchtower and no longer the Holy Spirit?

    Vindication; 1932; page 250. It is angels that sends the message to the Watchtower and has been rendering this service to the remnant since 1919.

    • DO YOU BELIEVE, 6000 years of human history ended in 1972?

    The Truth Shall Make You Free, 1943, page 152; 6000 years of human history ended in 1972

    • DO YOU BELIEVE, The millennium began in 1873?

    Thy Kingdom Come, page 305; The millennium began in 1873

    • DO YOU BELIEVE, Sodom and Gomorrah will receive a second opportunity?

    Plan of the Ages, page 110; Sodom and Gomorrah will receive a second opportunity

    The Watchtower, March 1965 page 139; Sodom and Gomorrah will receive a second opportunity

    • DO YOU BELIEVE, Michael the archangel is the pope of Rome?

    The Finish Mystery; The Watchtower and Bible Tract Society; 1917; page 188-189; And there was war in heaven. between the two ecclesiastical powers, pagan Rome and Papal Rome. Michael Who as God the Pope H275; C62 and His angels The Bishops...

    A Jehovahs Witness today will say NO to everyone of those questions. This is old light for them. This was truth and is no longer consider truth.

    Did anyone ever see the Steven Spielbergs movie Back to the future? Picture yourself as a Jehovahs Witness and you get into a Time Machine and go back 100 years to the year 1900. You visit the Governing Body at Bethel in Brooklyn to warn them about the doctrine they currently believe is old light and it is no longer consider the truth in the 21 century. You show them the evidence of new printed articles of the future publication by the organization refuting these doctrines above. What do you think the Governing Body will tell you as the future Jehovahs Witness?

    Heres what the governing body of the Watchtower will tell the future Jehovahs Witness:

    1. You are an apostate and not a true Jehovahs Witness. This is the truth because we are Gods Spirit directed organization. These doctrines we believe today in our generation are true and are taken from the Bible.

    2. You are not a true Jehovahs Witness unless you believe these doctrines.

    Edited by - youdontknowhim on 5 August 2002 10:6:9

  • Sangdigger

    These are definately some good points, but as you pointed out, bringing them up to a JW, wont do any good, cuz theyll just tell you that was before God revealed the full truth or "new light". In fact, ive even been told before, that God didnt give the whole truth to them at once, because they couldnt handle it. The fact is, they still cant.


    Whenever a JW comes out with the Light Getter Brighter doctrine, I give them what my bestfriend said,

    I have often read, been told, and heard by JW's that the light gets brighter and brighter. I realize that this particular phrase comes from the Bible, but i fail to see it's application anywhere in the NT or OT. at least in the manner in which they explain it. It seems that they use this verse to justify all of their doctrinal shifts past and present. I never see God, the prophets or the apostles doing this. Lets say for example the 10 commandments. From the time that it was given to the time of...O lets say the book of Daniel. Did God ever change His mind about anything that He said. And if he did, did He contradict His former teachings and commands? I don't find this practiced anywhere in Scripture. All truth comes from God and is therefore eternal and cannot be changed. I find it very hard to believe that God's truths are seasonal and subject to change just like that. Jesus Christ is still The Way The Truth And The Life. I wonder why there hasn't been any "New Light" on this subject. Has God ever changed His view of this?
  • FrankRaven

    DO YOU BELIEVE TEST.............great test.Just like the ones you set for in AOL......Great stuff


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