Hi MacHislopp,
It is not clear from your post whether you mean Christins or JWs.
The idea of therapy is to help the person involved to become aware of the contradictions and unresolved issues in their life. Then the process of change takes place. The essential ingredient is the willingness of the client to make the changes in their belief structure that are necessary to effect an emotional change.
Before any Witness could successfully go through therapy they would have to be asked if they were prepared to examine their whole life choice and act upon the revelations that good therapy would result in. If the Witness is totally committed to their rigid, unchangeable mindset the result could be a botched job, which will leave them worse off than before.
Many Witnesses, like all cult members, deny there is anything wrong in their lives until the emotional mind takes over and acts for them. The result is a nervous breakdown, which precipitates the needed changes.
Witnesses believe that those going to therapy leave the Organisation as a result. It is usually the case that those who go to therapy are usually on their way out anyway and have already realized the need for change.
Edited by - trevor on 16 March 2001 7:1:27