Disfellowshipping, beyond what is written
Part One.
There has been much discussion on this board about the WTs August insert in the Kingdom Ministry entitled: Display Christian Loyalty When a Relative is Disfellowshipped.
Many are concerned that their relationships with relatives will be jeopardized. Someone I know fears that her 85 year old JW mother will cease all communication with her. So in a phone call to her mother she expressed her concern about the article. The mother told her after considering the article , that it only applied if one had written a letter of disassociation. The mother assured the daughter that their communication could continue, and if she, the mother, was disfellowshipped for bad associations, so be it. I hope all those in similar circumstances will receive a similar encouraging reply.
These concerns of many who see their relationships with relatives in jeopardy have motivated me to write several posts on the subject which have the intent of exposing the Watchtowers heinous cruelty with their disfellowshipping and shunning policy.
From the beginning of human history, mankind has devised many means to obliterate, destroy and annihilate any opposers and dissidents who dare to voice a contrary opinion to the status quo of tyrants and collective groups.
Ancient civilizations, like the Egyptians, Babylonians, and Assyrians used atrocious methods to remove from existence other individuals and groups that threatened their national interests. Capture, nakedness, dismemberment, blinding eye gouging , slavery , torture are only a sampling of their inhumanity.
Moses in his time, killed an Egyptian to remove him from a threat to his Israelite people.
He fled to the desert and remained a fugitive for forty years until he saw the burning bush and came to a realization that his people ,collectively , were a burning bush , burning, but not consumed. He led them out in the desert, and through inspiration, gave them a set of laws to maintain and direct their life as a nation.
To remove threats from within, to this nation, he inaugurated stoning to remove evil from their midst . Compared to the atrocities of other nations, this could be considered as an improvement. In modern terms it could be considered as democratic justice, starting with the first witness /accuser throwing the first stone, the members of the society cast their vote, against the lawbreaker. A vestige of this procedure has remained down to our day with trial by jury, a trial by ones own peers.
In the days of Jesus Christ we find that the tyrannical Romans impaled opposers to the Empire on stakes planted on high ground and along public roadways and left the bodies to waste away until death for the purpose of creating fear and servile obedience in all viewers. They also used the wild beasts to tear apart groups of people at the arenas for the amusement of the populace.
Around this time, a man, who was considered to be greater than Moses, came and proclaimed more just, humane and loving teachings to guide the affairs of people. His teachings remain down to this day, and principles of them have been introduced into the laws of many lands.
As the centuries passed, tyrants in control , even in nations claiming the name of Christ, reverted to former methods of removing dissidents from their ranks. The inquisition, burning at the stake, and book burning were only a part of the arsenal of Bible based methods of destruction. Even the dissidents who survived eventually turned back to atrocious methods of destroying and removing those who contradicted their dogma.
We arrive at our day. We see Stalin, creating the Gulag, banishing and incarcerating millions, working them to death in isolated camps, in the harsh, cold starving conditions in Siberia. Hitler used terror, concentration camps and gas chambers to destroy millions. The Taliban, used cloistering, execution, severing of hands and feet to destroy innocent women who did not follow their trivial and burdensome regulations.
So now we come to Jehovahs Witnesses. How do they enforce their dogma?
They publish widely that their disciplinary system is a Solid Bible Based Teaching and claim the laws of freedom of worship to bolster their inhumaness. They cannot use literal execution, torture, starvation or incarceration openly at this time in history, because humane laws of justice have been established in many lands, especially in those lands where the teachings of the Man, The Super Star, have been chiselled into laws of the legal system.
Claiming anointing from God their Spokesman-At-The-Top-of-The Ladder publicly voices that We do not go beyond the things that are written.
The Disfellowshipping and Shunning Policy of Jehovahs Witnesses is a devious, harsh and cruel punishment systems that violates the universal human rights of man.
Because they loudly claim that their Penal System is clearly supported by the Scriptures I find it imperitive to use the Scriptures to demonstrate to all that they definitely have Gone far beyond the things that are written. To this end, I have posted another post, Part 2, under Biblical Topics at this link: