by SpiceItUp 8 Replies latest jw friends

  • SpiceItUp

    some things are good.

    some things suck.

    ok im done now.

  • Xena


  • bitter mango
    bitter mango

    (((spice))) i seriously think you should save your pennies and come for a visit. i'll cheer ya up . really, we'd have fun!

    cheer up hunny!

  • Reborn2002

    * SIGH *

    My mother actually had the nerve to call and leave a message on my answering machine the other day.. telling me what a wonderful time she was having with my brother, his wife, and my 18-month old nephew as they visited her in Florida.

    She rambled on about how they were enjoying the concept of family, and what a shame it was that I turned my back on them and was no longer allowed to be around since they had to follow Jehovah's law. Then she went on further about saying she missed me but acted this way because she loved me <gag> as if somehow using my family and the chance to see my 18-month old nephew as leverage to get me to return to the Jehovah's Witness cult would be something I would do.

    Despite their bullshit, I have PRINCIPLE, and there is NO CHANCE IN HELL I would crawl back to that CULT to be around family who love me CONDITIONALLY.

    Spice, you said:

    some things suck.

    I hear ya honey, and know exactly how you feel.




  • SYN

    Some of the good things suck too! That way you get the best of both worlds, so to speak

  • joannadandy


    I know it's a small consolation, but we all love ya!

  • SpiceItUp


    Bitter Mango---where do you live? Close to FL or NY at all???

  • Solace

    I hear ya' Spice.

    Reborn, Im sorry and boy do I ever hear ya', loud and clear. Unfortionatly my family tried that guilt / sympathy stuff for years. It has faded, most of them now just keep their distance or dont mention it very much anymore. I just keep thinking about how painful it must be for them to actually believe all that crapp. Imagine, honestly believing that your child is going to be destroyed by the very God that you worship. Sick.

  • not interested
    not interested

    its just one of thoes days when you dont want to wake up every thing is fucked everybody sucks

    6:00 am wake up......this extreamly sucks.

    6:30 am leave for work.....sucks too

    8:00 start work.................sucks sucks sucks

    6:30 om.....................leave work, doesnt suck

    7:30 pm get home..............not sucking

    7:45 cat comes to say hi ................ felling better suckiness going away

    7:50 go to fridge.....no beer.........everything sucks again

    8:00 log on to JWD..............talk about how much everything sucks

    10:30 go to bed...................sucks

    tommorrow do it all over again ( but rember to buy beer) maybe tommorrow wont suck

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