On pag. 126 of the Book "Millions…" published in 1920
There was this quote :
" The Unique Bible Commentary-
600 pages" This book explains every verse of the Bible
prophecies of Revelation and Ezekiel and shows the relation
between the distresses of the past six years and the
unfaithfulness of the clergy.
But, what is better, "The Finished Mystery" tells of the good
time of human happiness just beyond this time of trouble,
and tells why it is that millions of people who are now living
on the earth will never die.
Clothbound 1dollar, post paid
BROOKLYN,N.Y., U.S.A. " end of quote.
Now read, what was published 80 year later, in the
w. 15.03.2000 p. 12 § 12 (the footnote ) !
Agape, J.C. MacHislopp`