ISAIAH 50:10, 11 says,
"Who among you people is in fear of Jehovah, listening to the voice of his SERVANT, who has walked in continual darkness and for whom there has been no brightness? Let him trust in the name of Jehovah and support himself upon his God."11 "Look! All you who are igniting a fire, making sparks light up, walk in the light of your fire, and amid the sparks that you have set ablaze. From my hand you will certainly come to have this: In sheer pain you will lie down."
These are without a doubt, some of the most informative and insightful, most revealing words spoken of about the "Servant" of "Israel," His coming, His prophecy, or as some scholars say, the "Songs of the Servant," mentioned in the Bible. Yes, to "Israel," they were even considered "Songs" to sing...to remind Israel of the importance of his mission.
So, this information is an excellent portion of prophecy to discuss on a discussion board....The "Servant" Prophecy.
When we go back in time, we find that "Israel," the nation, was promised that God would send them, yes, a "Servant." He would be a special envoy, equipped with a "message," and "Covenant", and would act as the "Messenger of the Covenant," for God, to the nation of "Israel." His promised coming was guaranteed. As the prophet Malachi says,
"Look! He will certainly come, Jehovah of armies has said." -- Malachi 3:1
Yes, he must come, because it was God's will for him to come to "Israel," and speak a Special Message, a certain..."good news," a "gospel," a "report," a "thing heard," ... the "Word of the Kingdom," the "Word of God," to them. -- Isaiah 41:27; 53:1; Isaiah 61:1; Matthew 13:19; John 12:38; Romans 10:15; 1 Peter 1:25; Revelation 10:7
It is called in the New World Translation of the Bible...in the footnote section of the Large Print Reference edition, when translating the expression, the "thing heard," as being, yes... THE "REPORT". -- See Isaiah 53:1; John 12:38.
This is HIS MESSAGE FOR ISRAEL today...His special message to be delivered to Jehovah's Witnesses, of our day...all Jehovah's Witnesses, present-day or ex-...even Bible Studies of Jehovah's Witnesses... speaks to all of them. He brings this "good news," yes, Jehovah indeed, calls him, the true "BRINGER of Good News," the "bringer," of the "Report" to "Israel." -- Isaiah 41:27; Romans 10:15
In fact, upon investigation, we find that portions or sections of scripture, like from Isaiah 42, 49, 50, 52, 53 and 63 are all said to be "Songs of the Servant" or "Servant Prophecies." In these chapters of the Bible, we find much information about the "Servant" of Jehovah. The "Servant," the one that comes with a "Covenant," for "Israel." -- Isa. 42:6; 49:8
And what should "Israel," do, when confronted with the "Servant" of God? well, first off, we are told to "Listen" to the voice of God's Servant. Listen to him. But will "Israel," listen...truly listen? No.
Isaiah 49:1 says:
"LISTEN TO ME, O you islands, and pay attention, you national groups far away..."
Also, as mentioned above in Isaiah 50:10 it states,
"Who among you people is in fear of Jehovah, LISTENING TO THE VOICE OF HIS SERVANT,..."
Yes, it is the will of God, for "Israel," to "listen," yes listen to the voice of God's Servant. Israel must learn to "listen," when Truth is presented to her as a nation.
The Bible tells us what is the aftermath of being disobedient, and not listening to Jehovah's Servant at Acts 3:22, 23 when it says,
"In fact, Moses said, Jehovah God will raise up for you from among your brothers a prophet like me. YOU MUST LISTEN TO HIM according to ALL THE THINGS HE SPEAKS TO YOU. Indeed, any soul that DOES NOT LISTEN to that Prophet will be completely destroyed from among the people."
Therefore, "Israel," then, must listen, must listen to the words coming forth from the prophet of God, the "Servant" of God. They must "listen" to all of the words he speaks to "Israel." His entire "message," the "good news" from Jehovah God, His enduring message. - 1 Peter 1:25
If Israel, does not respond, as was the case in Jesus' day, then Jehovah purposes to EXTEND the unique invitation of being a Covenant people toward Him to "Gentiles" who are not members of "Israel," at present. And when that "invitation" is extended, the Bible says, they will respond favorably.
Acts 28:28 says this,
"Therefore let it be known to you that this, the means by which God saves, has been sent out to the nations; THEY WILL CERTAINLY LISTEN TO IT."
Yes, Jehovah God has already said, that these "Gentiles" for "God's Name," will indeed, "Listen" to the message, and will be obedient. Yes, Jehovah does know, they will respond favorably, and will "listen," attentively to this Special Message. God Knows this. Therefore, there is "NO EXCUSE" for "Israel," then, "no excuse," for Israel NOT LISTENING to the message. -- See Acts 15:14-18; John 15:22.
Actually, not much is known about the coming "Servant," other than, scholars associate him with a powerful change in Government, yes a change in the Governing of Israel, a powerful "message," concerning that "Kingdom," and the offering of a unique opportunity for "Israel," so that "peace" can be arrived at, by both parties, peace between God and His Name People, "Israel." Peace.
Since the "Servant," comes with a "Covenant," and his powerful message is primarily directed to God's Name People, "Israel," -- then, automatically, we can safely say that this places Jesus Christ, as a "Servant" of God, as the Original "Servant" of God without a doubt. Actually, Matthew 12:18-21 shows Jesus Christ does indeed, "come" as the "Servant" of God, a "Servant" to "Israel," to Natural Israel, who originally possessed the Mosiac Covenant, but "Israel," "...did not continue in that Covenant, so that I stopped caring for them..." as Paul said in Hebrews 8:9.
Just as today, Modern day "Israel," JEHOVAH'S WITNESSES today, are also, "acting wickedly AGAINST the Holy Covenant" of Jehovah. So the question then, could be raise, is God, Jehovah also, as He did in the past, ... is Jehovah going to send Modern-Day "Israel," God's Name People, who have been wickedly "skinned and thrown about," by the wicked WTS as leaders, is Jehovah going to send a "Servant," to "Israel," again, to offer them another opportunity, another "Covenant," opportunity? That is the question. -- Daniel 11:28, 30, 32; Malachi 3:1; Isaiah 42:6; Isaiah 49:8
What do you think?
We do find, that his "message," would be the same, as the one Jesus offered Israel, Natural Israel of his day...the "Word of the Kingdom," as mentioned in Matthew 13:19. And the portion of the Bible explains, the "Servant," would find that therer would be a total of 4 Four typical responses, coming from the mouth of "Israel," toward this message of the "Kingdom." 3 responses would be negative, and 1 would be positive. 3 negative and 1 positive response.
Do we see the same thing today, we ask?
Is the Bible, correct, even consistent, even though it was written, many, many, many years ago...but still, the typical responses of "Israel," are they not...the same?
FIRST, the "SEED," itself ... the "Word of the Kingdom," or the "Word of God." (Matthew 13:19; Luke 8:11) How would "Israel" react to this, shall we say, Special "Word", the "Word of the Kingdom," the "Word of God," ... how would they react? Jesus shows us this:
1) THE FIRST RESPONSE: The "seed" that falls upon the hardened "road side," and Satan immediately consumes it, and eats up...like birds do to food on the "roadside." No, the "seed," never penetrates the heart at all. It just sits there. Easy target and prey for "Satan," who always WARS against the "Word of the Kingdom." Why?
Well, consider Genesis 3:15 with me:
"And I SHALL PUT ENMITY between you and the woman and between your seed and her seed. He will bruise you in the head and you will bruise him in the heel."
Yes, God Jehovah, yes, Jehovah, makes for this "hatred," this "enmity" between the two "seeds," the offspring of the Devil and the Offspring of God thru the "woman," ...yes, there is "enmity" between the two. God puts it there. It is always there, its been there since Adam and Eve...the "enmity," the hatred, those who love truth, and those who "hate" it. That "enmity" is always there.
The "enmity" is placed there, by God, between the two groups, based upon voluntary "actions," of the individual "Israelite." Yes, the voluntary action of the individual places him on either side, the side of the truth and God, or the side of falsehood and the Devil.
That's why Jesus plainly said:
"Everyone on the side of truth, LISTENS to my voice." -- John 18:37
Yes, "everyone on the side of truth."
So, then, we are dividing our selves off, we are "taking sides" as it were, taking sides for God or for the Devil...that's the separation. And when we do this, take our stand for either side, Jehovah God places "enemity" there, so that WE DON'T TRY TO PLACE OURSELVES ON BOTH SIDES...don't try to be in one place, and also in another place. ..."ride the fence," so to speak. No, but we must choose, we must take a side, one side or the other, for Jehovah or for the Devil. But we must choose.
That is why, the "enmity" is there between the two groups...the two "seeds." The obvious hatred, that God has put between them, yes the "enemity" between those for "truth," and those for falsehood and the Devil.
When one is confronted with the "Truth," the real truth, from Jehovah God, then, one is really making a serious choice...a choice between willing obedience to God or willing obedience to the Devil. This the main point of 1 John 4:5, 6 which says:
"They originate with the world; that is why they speak what proceeds from the world and the world LISTENS TO THEM. We originate with God. He that gains the knowledge of God LISTENS TO US; he that does not originate with God DOES NOT LISTEN TO US. This is how we take note of the inspired expression of truth and the inspired expression of error."
Did you notice, that neither side, will "listen" to the other side...did you notice this?
The scripture plainly says, they only "listen" to the side that they are on...either the "side of truth," or the side of the Devil, wickeness, and "error," inspired "error" too...inspired from Satan. Either we are under Satan's influence, his spirit, or we are under God's influence, yes, God's spirit...the "inspired expression of truth." -- John 18:37; 1 John 4:5,6
Yes, this is God's doing! And we cannot change this situation. It is the will of God, Almighty. So, why waste valuable time, trying to convince someone, who is obviously not going to listen to truth, in the first...because they PREFER...wickedness, falsehood, untruths and lies! They are on the side of the Devil...and that point is reemphasized by their only "listening" to the "inspired expression of error," or falsehood, or lies as 1 John 4:5,6 clearly says.
Jesus said at Revelation 22:11,
"He that is doing unrighteousness, let him do unrighteousness still; and let the filthy one be made filthy still..."
If this is what they want, what they choose, by way of having "free will"...then we must let them do this. Yes, "let them be more filthy, more unrighteous still..." Simple. They have "free will," from God, and they have made their choice as to which "side" they want to be on...their wicked hearts have actually decided for them, and they cannot be changed, because of it. They belong then, to Satan, as the following information proves.
So, christians simply follow the advice of Jesus, at Matthew 12:19, where it plainly states, "he will not wrangle." No, Jesus did not "wrangle," or argue at all with such evil ones. The ones who argue clearly against the truth, those people who are in a Covenant relationship with God and still, hate truth. (See also Proverbs 9:7-9.)
Remember, Satan hates the truth, and his "offspring," too hate the truth, too. They also, "hate" Jehovah God, because He is the originator of "Truth." And they truly HATE JEHOVAH!
So, we must expect hatred from those that do not love truth. The Jesus said so, the Bible says so, at John 15:18-25...it SAYS SO...it plainly says so. This is there reaction to the "Word of the Kingdom." They hate it!
John 15:18-25 says,
"If the world hates you, you know that it has hated me before it hated you. If you were part of the world, the world would be fond of what is its own. Now because you are no part of the world, but I have chosen you out of the world, on this account the world hates you. Bear in mind the word I said to you, A slave is not greater than his master. If they have persecuted me, they will persecute you also; if they have observed my word, they will observe your also. But they will do all these things against you on account of my name, because they do not know him that sent me. If I had not come and spoken to them, they would have no sin; but now they have no excuse for their sin. He that hates me hates also my Father. If I had not done among them the words that no one else did, they would have no sin; but now they have both seen and hated me as well as my Father. But it is that the word written in their Law may be fulfilled. They hated me without cause."
We, as loving christians, and lovers of truth, still, cannot change this, can we? Yes, and it will always be there, until the last enemy of "truth," Satan, is finally put to death.
So, the Bible says,
"Where anyone hears the WORD OF THE KINGDOM but does not get the sense of it, the WICKED ONE (SATAN) comes and snatches away what has been sown in his heart." (Please compare Mark 4:15.)
This is the first response we see in "Israel," they most common. The majority of "Israel," respond in this manner. The most common response.
The first response Jesus mentions, is only one that does not become a disciple at all, at any time.
Luke 8:12 says:
"...the Devil comes and takes the word away from their hearts in order that they may not believe and be saved."
No, this one never, ever even "believes," so that he can be "saved." No, he never does "believe," "the thing heard," as mentioned at Isaiah 53:1. Most Israelites, fall into this category. They do not "believe" the message. Their hardened, wicked hearts will not allow them to express in the Kingdom message from God...this "good news," of the kingdom. Real Escape from Babylon. These ones are the real, spiritually "blind" ones of Israel, that cannot see at all. They are "deaf," spiritually, and cannot hear, spiritual things, the spiritual message. They are "blind," and they are "mute" before God. Only God's Kingdom, the "good news," can save them. -- See Isaiah 35:4-7.
This is why Luke 4:18, 19 says of them when confronted with the message, their true spiritual condition as being, as follows,
"Jehovah's spirit is upon me, because he anointed me to declare good news to the POOR, he sent me forth to preach a release to the CAPTIVES and a recovery of sight to the BLIND, to send the crushed ones away with a release, to preach Jehovah's acceptable year."
Yes, they are "poor," spiritually speaking. They are "blind," spiritually speaking, and do not know hardly anything about their God, do not even realize that they are in a "Covenant" relationship with God, even...modern day Israel of our day. They are that blind. And they are "Captives," spiritual "captives" of Babylon the Great, the "Great City," where "their Lord was impaled," Jerusalem. Yes, Jesus came to liberate "Israel," from "captivity" to Babylon the Great, the Sanhedrin and Pharisees, the religious leaders of his day.
And today, liberation is needed too, yes, from modern-day Babylong the Great, yes, the "captors," of the Jehovah's Witnesses, yes, the Watchtower Society, the ones that imprison, Jehovah's Witnesses today...but they do not even know this...because they are "captives" to the Watch Tower Society, modern-day Babylon The Great, the "Great City," of Revelation 11:8.
Thus, we see, they are spiritually "skinned and thrown about", as Israel, by "Babylon the Great." -- Revelation 11:8; Matthew 9:36
This groups, then, does not respond at all, to the all-important message from God. This is because, they are "dupes" for Satan, individuals in whom Satan can "snatch away what has been sown in the heart," ... they do not "retain," the Word of God, the "good news." This happens as soon as they have "heard the message," Satan comes and "snatches" it away from their hearts. -- Matthew 13:19; Mark 4:15
Most Jehovah's Witnesses, will fall into this category. Their hardened heart conditions, will not allow them to "first base," so to speak...the Devil, Satan will prevent them. Satan, the enemy of truth. He will make sure, they do not gain an understanding of the "message." But, this evil work of Satan, is only possible, because their spiritual "heart" condition, is hardened, and non-responsive to the "message." It is their own fault they have such a "hardened," heart condition, a non-responsive heart condition. They must remain in spiritual "blindness," remain as spiritual "captives," to Babylon the Great.
The next two (2) responses, are ones where the individual "Israelite," does "listen" for a while, and does become a "disciple," per chance...but something happens...Satan moves in another direction to stop these disciples from ever "bearing fruit."
Let's examine the next two responses.
2) THE SECOND RESPONSE: The "Seed" falls upon "rocky places," ... which is the one that "hears the word and at once accepts it with joy" even...but later, because he does not have "root in himself," he will "continue for a time, and after tribulation or persecution has arisen on account of the Word of the kingdom, he is AT ONCE STUMBLED."
This one, takes a little more time for Satan, to workd on, Satan must invest a little time in this one, to overtake him. Still, eventually the Devil wins, because the "listener," does not have "root in himself," and cannot stand up to the constant Jeers, constant ridicule from his "Israelite," friends and associates, maybe even his family. Yes, has become real "enemies," with him now, because of his knowledge of the "Word of the Kingdom." As Jesus said, a "man's enemies will now become those of his OWN HOUSEHOLD." Some, Israelites, cannot stand this type of pressure...they succumb. They give up on the "Word of the Kingdom." -- Matthew 13:20, 21
3) THE THIRD RESPONSE: The third response that Jesus said you would surely get toward the "Word of the Kingdom," by "Israel," would be the one who again, does "accept the message," at first...but allows the "anxieties" or "riches" of this world, either one...either one, to unduly distract him, take his attention away from the "Word of the Kingdom," and finally, yes, slowly, "CHOKES THE WORD," and "makes it unfruitful." This slow strangling of the "Word," slowly kills anything that mighty have normally been possible for the disciple, but he is preoccupied. He takes his eye off the prize. He dies spiritually, slowly, but he dies. He is more concerned about bills, money, purchases, buying houses, clothes, food, incurring unnecessary debts and so on...material things than God will provide anyway. But he is more occupied with these things that God's Special message bestowed upon him. This special message that God has given him. These are necessary things we know, in order to live. But we must not allow the "Word of the Kingdom" to be choked out, because our being overconcerned about the attainment of them...to the point that it "chokes the Word of the Kingdom," and makes it "unfruitful." The disciple must continue to "speak" the "word of the Kingdom," to "Israel," ... preach the message as Romans 10:10 says:
"For if you publicly declare that Word in your own mouth, that Jesus is Lord and exercise faith in your heart that God raised him up from the dead, you will be saved. For with the heart one exercises faith for righteousness, but WITH THE MOUTH ONE MAKES PUBLIC DECLARATION FOR SALVATION."
Yes, we must keep preaching the "Word of the Kingdom," the "Word of God," keep preaching it without "letup" TO ISRAEL like the apostles did. -- Matthew 13:19; Luke 8:11; Acts 5:42
4) THE FOURTH RESPONSE: This is the "fine soil," that responses they way Israel is supposed to respond to the Message of Faith.
"As for that on the fine soil, these are the ones that, after hearing the word with a FINE AND GOOD HEART, RETAIN IT AND BEAR FRUIT WITH ENDURANCE." -- Luke 8:15
Yes, the "heart," is the problem why "Israel," does not respond. The problem is with the "heart," condition of the Israelite. And who is responsible for what type of heart condition one has. Who is resopnsible? The person, the Israelite, he only is to blame himself, if his heart is wicked. Only himself.
The "heart," is the seat of all motivations. It is the place where ones "exercises faith," in the "Word of God." The heart. -- Romans 10:10
If one possesses true "faith," he will indeed, "endure," ... he will show true "endurance," under difficult trials and tribulations. He will be undaunted, for righteousness, and Satan, cannot stop him. He would "ride" even, "in the cause of TRUTH, HUMILITY and RIGHTEOUSNESS," and would never, ever stop pursuing these virtuous things...the kind of things that Satan does hate. -- Psalms 45:4
He would ENDURE...he cannot be stopped. He would "endure," until Jehovah intervenes...he fights to his last drop of blood, ounce of strength, last breath he would take...like Jesus, his example did!
Praise Jah!
So, just as
Matthew 13:23 says:
"As for the one sown upon the fine soil, this is the one hearing the word and getting the sense of it, who really does bear fruit and produces, this one a hundredfold, that one sixty, the other thirty."
Yes, does bear "fruit." ..."much fruit." He will help others, others to become disciples, of course, if and only if, they are willing. But, their responses, their resolve, must be the same as his. They must, too be willing to display ENDURANCE, for the cause of "truth, humility, and righteousness." Just as he is so doing. In this way, he imitates his teacher, who in turn, is a "imitator" of Jesus Christ, who in turn "imitates" God. In this way, ultimately, we are all, "imitating God." -- See Luke 6:40; 1 Corinthians 3:10-15; Ephesians 5:1.
As Jesus said,
"My father is glorified in this, that you keep bearing much fruit and prove yourself my disciples." -- John 15:8
These four (4) responses, come from the real, reactions of Israel, toward the message, the "good news," the "report," the "thing heard," the "gospel," ... the "Word of the Kingdom," the "Word of God."
It is the message:
"God Kingdom Rules," ... "Jehovah has become King," yes, "Babylon the Great Has Fallen, God Kingdom Rules," which allows "Israel," for the first time, to her make ESCAPE, her escape from her spiritual Captors, this "good news," makes it possible, ... an arrangement APPROVED by God...an arrangement to fully escape Babylon, the "Great City," the real "enemy" of God. -- Isaiah 40:9; 41:27; 52:7; 61:1; Jeremiah 50:8; 51:6; Zechariah 2:7; Luke 4:18, 19; Revelation 11:8; 18:4
This is the message of the Modern Day Servant.
But now, the question could be raised, yes, "Israel," yes, how will you respond this message of faith...how? -- Luke 18:8
Edited by - MDS on 15 March 2001 17:9:19