Will Swingle R.I.P here too?

by Gianluca 4 Replies latest jw friends

  • Gianluca

    I wonder if the latest GB member that died will be buried in this location??

    I sure was suprised when i first saw these photos!!!

    Best Regards

  • Gianluca

    I don't know what happened....I just posted the links not the actual photos....

  • JAVA


    How interesting, Russell's tombstone. Somewhere I have a picture of me and a few other JWs standing by it. I think that was in the early 1970s when I attended the Kingdom Ministry School in Pittsburgh. Wow, this photo brings back memories.

    I didn't remember it was in a Masonic Center Cemetery--that's very interesting, don't you think? Of course the pyramid tombstone says a lot about the history of the Tower, too.

    --JAVA, counting time at the Coffee Shop

    Edited by - JAVA on 15 March 2001 20:53:33

  • ozziepost

    G'day all,

    I had knowm about the pyrmaid headstone, but didn't realise C T Russell was buried in the Masonic Centre Cemetery.

    I wonder how many of the brothers and sisters of the JWs are aware that this is where he is buried. It adds poignancy to the inscription of the Masonic symbol on his headstone.

    Probably most JWs would be in denial if they were told, but thanks Gianluca for highlighting this for us.


  • thinkers wife
    thinkers wife

    Welcome Gianluca,
    Glad the pics came up anyway. I didn't know the actual grave was in the Masonic graveyard either! Always nice to see the whole picture. Pun intended.

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