Has religion outlived its usefulness?
I am baseing this on the idea that there is no god and that religious views came about as part of mankinds development in understanding the world.
I would say that the reason many religions have survived so long is because , to one degree or another they were useful to live by.They helped people develope moral standards and principles , even if they werent always correct or followed by all.Also they helped organise seperated societies and encouraged comunictation between them.In fact some religions could have sped up the development of this world, is it a coinsidence that the developed world followed the christian religious view?
But even thousands of years ago religion was hindering society when too rigidly applied, human development and advancement almost stopped in the muslim world when that took off.at one time what are now muslim contries wre highly advanced in mathermatics and science.Could it be that just like the stagnation of the muslim world that the christian religion is just a hinderance to the mordern world preventing its futher development?
Religion viewpoints now are preventing advancements at the cutting edge of science in research into genatics and such.The moral guidliness of the church are now falling behind that of the educated world instead of being infront.
Is religion just holding us back now, and does it serve no more purpose?