2 Little Gems

by punkofnice 9 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • punkofnice

    Owing to the BBC news IRO Loughborough, I know of a JW couple that were horrified. They exclaimed things along the lines of, "How could they let this happen?" "That's terrible of the Elders in that congregation.

    I guess they think it's just a one off. they have no idea about the 2 witness rule. And...they blamed the elders in Loughborough not the gluttonous weirdo perverts known as the governing body. They were incapable of levelling any blame at the organisation. (No surprise...that's mind control for ya).

    Sadly, I cannot educate them as it's a non JW family member that I know. I DID however, make it obvious that the 2 witness rule exists.

    And in other Aposta-news:

    A local congregation announced they need more money as they are not meeting their monthly pledge. I can't tell you how good that feels. I bet the bully of a CO has been terrorising them.

    So. Only phyric victories but death by 1000 cuts is better than the WBT$ satyin' alive...ooo ooo ooo ooo stayin' alive!

  • John Aquila
    John Aquila

    A local congregation announced they need more money as they are not meeting their monthly pledge. I can't tell you how good that feels.

    Yep, it does feel good when I hear a congregation cannot meet their monthly pledge. Keep those experiences coming.

  • punkofnice

    Thanks John. How happifying!

    You see, I don't really think the death of the WBT$ is my top priority. If people want to be in the cult then that's up to them. I DO object in the strongest terms to the way the WBT$ uses it's people without any regard for their safety and welfare.

    We've said many times what we want to see aolished within the cult, paedophiles being protected, blood transfusions being an issue, shunning and such.

    Until all those things are removed from the WBT$ then I hope those at the top suffer very badly. Karma would be nice.....sad it doesn't exist.

  • Phizzy

    " Karma would be nice.....sad it doesn't exist."

    No, but stupidity, mendacity and greed can all come back to bite you in the Bum, and that is what is beginning to happen to the JW Org. It's a pity it will not directly affect those at the top for a good while, if ever.

    The GB and those who pull their strings are not going to feel any pain for a long time, they will keep bleeding dry the poor R&F JW's, squeezing until the pips squeak, to pay for their rampant ineptitude and dishonesty.

  • punkofnice

    Phuzzy - Indeed, sir. I agree that those that really should get their faces dragged in dog mess will escape smelling of roses.

    I hope that the recent Loughborough scandal will help rattle cages and awake some from slumber.....not holding my breath.

    If only the WBT$ would just change their policy the f***wits!


    A local congregation announced they need more money as they are not meeting their monthly pledge.....PON

    The Watchtower raided all the Kingdom Hall Bank Accounts..

    Now the Watchtower wants to Know..

    Where is all the Jehovah`s Witness Donation Money to the Watchtower?..



    ..............Image result for you must be a special kind of stupid


    ............................Yes They Are!!..

    ..................THEY`RE WATCHTARDED!!..

  • punkofnice

    OUTLAW - That about sums it up, my friend.

    Their focus seems to be on money...very little else. Watchtarded indeed.

  • done4good

    " Karma would be nice.....sad it doesn't exist."

    In the supernatural sense, of course not.

    OTOH, there is something to the physics of it. Enough bad or good done to others, tends to return itself. Much like that of any other physical action.

    WT has 140 years of bad deeds just beginning to bite them in the ass.


  • punkofnice
    d4g - WT has 140 years of bad deeds just beginning to bite them in the ass.

    A secret source tells me that more JWs are beginning to think that the WBT$ is becoming 'corporate' and they feel uncomfortable about it.

  • punkofnice

    One of my secret kingdum hell spies tells me that at least 2 witnesses (no pun...although that is quite amusing...at the mouth of 2 witnesses heh heh heh), were saying the watchtower is becoming too corporate. One of them was saying that there is no love in the organisation.

    My spy thinks that people are waking up with all the governing body coming to the fore. It seems that more are seeing it as a man's organisation where the leaders seek worship.

    Own goal Governing body! I give them the 'V' sign with both hands.

    I have no doubt the cult will survive for a long time but I'm hoping it will have reached it's peak and now be on a dip down.

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