So i've been gone this past week . I was on a vacation with my husband an his whooooooooooooole family who are allllllllllllllllllllll very very devout witnesses. So i decided to take along one of my Harry Potter books to read. Oh the looks i recieved when i brought that book out . nobody said anything but there faces said it all for them. Everyone else there was reading there watchtowers and the latest releases from the assembly and there i was the Black sheep of the family with my EVIL little h.p book. OHHHHHHHHHthe horror!. I think I've been away from the whole witness thing for a good long time now, because when my sister in law said that she brought along her yearbook to read I though she was talking about her school yearbook. DUHHHHHHHH.My mind is really getting cleared of all the witness mumbo jumbo. I was a good little girl and kept my mouth shut when my sisinlaw was saying that at the book studies they seemed to be going over the same stuff all the time and my faher in law proceeded to tell her "oh maybe you don't understand what they're talking about or why they are making us study these things but you have to understand that those men down at bethel know soooooooooo much more than we'll ever know and they are so much smarter than us and if thats what they want us to study then they must have a reason and so we should just do it and not question it" AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!! if they tell you to jump of a bridge you'll prob do that too? So any how i just needed to vent . i was a good girl for my husbands sake but I WILL NEVER GO ON VACATION WITH THEM AGAIN! NEXT time i'm heading to Ireland. ON my own for some peace and quiet.
I'm back from my vacation in HELL
by annalice 8 Replies latest jw friends
RE clearing your mind of witness mumbo jumbo:
You may never be the same.
LOL LOL LOL lmao leave it to the jw borg collective to bash on somethin as harmless as harry potter! lol damn that was funny...I member all the dayz when my dad wud get bent at me for readin issac asimov or larry niven or ANYTHING even remotely fantasy oriented and then throwin it HARRY POTTER? Whats next..?
My youngest son is now a devout "Christian", and he and his wife are aghast about Harry Potter, and especially that Princess allows her son to read it, and actually saw the movie.
So, dubs aren't the only ones blinded by fear.
Dungeons and Dragons anyone?
"oh maybe you don't understand what they're talking about or why they are making us study these things but you have to understand that those men down at bethel know soooooooooo much more than we'll ever know and they are so much smarter than us and if thats what they want us to study then they must have a reason and so we should just do it and not question it"
That drives me nuts when people use that reasoning! I had a close female friend who is not the brainiest and she used a similar reasoning. I had no response (what was I gonna say "Well, if you weren't so stupid...?) Anyway, I quickly came to realize that some people will always have to follow the thinking of others because they have a hard enough time coping with life and can't truly think for themselves. So for many, it seems that if they weren't a JW, they would be following someone else.
WATCHTOWERS on vacation?
Edited by - Incense_and_Peppermints on 7 August 2002 1:35:7
Ohhh, How could you forget!?
Do you not remember all the years of no Casper, no Trolls, no Fairies, no Witches, no Smurfs and definatly NO Felix the Cat (cuz he had the bag of tricks) etc. I was talking to my daughter once, she was e-mailing her J.W. cousin. I reminded her not to tell her cousin about the (Nutcracker) which she had just seen at the theater and I reminded her not to talk about the (Harry Potter) movie she went to see with her friends while she attended her friends (B-day party) which she was also not allowed to talk about. I felt so awful telling her this and she didnt blink an eye but it made me notice just how much we dont have in common with my family anymore.
Typical brainwashed dubheads