Lett, the lying, deceitful TURD

by Esse quam videri 9 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Esse quam videri
    Esse quam videri

    “… we just felt that you dear brothers and sisters needed to be made aware of these expenditures that we’re facing in the coming months and years…”

    So that's it? The May broadcast was just to make the 'dear brothers and sisters aware' and not to ask for more money?


  • Magnum
    Yeah, that's irritating. Like they're doing the rank and file some great favor by making them aware.
  • Brokeback Watchtower
  • Listener

    It's not a lie, they needed to make them aware so that the Brothers knew they needed money.

  • Finkelstein

    Too bad he wasn't honest and out front about wanting more money for the multi million dollar new HQ branch they are planing to build in the UK.

    It would be a good assuming guess that the WTS heads know and are aware that they millions of people fooled and deluded of the inner workings of this publishing house, why not make up some appealing bullshit to draw in some cash from those people.

  • berrygerry

    “… we just felt that you dear brothers and sisters needed to be made aware of these expenditures that we’re facing in the coming months and years…”

    Tony Morris intervention:

    ... cause me and the boys sure as hell ain't going to be kicking in from our pensions! No sirree.

    Why, I just don't know, you know. I look around, and I say to myself, You know, What would my big brother think?

    Here we have the only clean and pure organization devoted to Jehovah's worship.

    And, at the same time, we have people, who, mind you, claim to be, yes, they claim to be worshipers of the only true God, Jehovah God.

    No, not everyone. No, we're not saying everyone.

    It reminds me of a story told to me in a recent visit.

    An experienced elder said to me, he said to me: "You know, Br. Morris. We're so happy with the forward movement of Jehovah's chariot. But, it doesn't seem that everyone in our congregation is fully aboard this chariot."

    And I said to him: "Well, what do you mean?"

    And he replied: "Well, it just doesn't feel that everyone has full confidence that Jehovah will provide. "Some in our congregation are working full-time jobs. Some are encouraging their children to not home-school. Some of the 'sisters' are reported to have obtained part-time jobs instead of pioneering. There are even reports (begins whispering) [Please step close - I don't want anyone else to hear], there are even reports that some of the congregation children have been wasting their allowance on ICE CREAM."

    (Laughter from some in the audience.)

    Ohh, you may think it's funny,

    But, I don't.

    Jehovah said that He could make the rocks cry out - but, no, he has allowed humans to cry out for Him.

    So, what are we doing?

    Are we saying - Oh Jehovah, I'm poor, I'm hungry, I need to work. I need a bit of a break. Can I not have some ice cream?

    What do you want Jehovah to say?

  • Esse quam videri
    Esse quam videri

    "... So your children are buying ice cream with money that should be going to the worldwide work.

    Explain that to heaven..."

  • berrygerry
    "... So your children are buying ice cream with money that should be going to the worldwide work."

    This is your celebration contribution. Celebrate Contribute good times, come on! (Let's celebrate contribute )

    Performed by unKool and the Gang (aka every uberDub)

  • punkofnice
    expenditures that we’re facing in the coming months and years

    So. No plans for armageddon(tm) then!

  • pepperheart
    the gb have made a problom for them selves people that are on low paid jobs,people who have part time jobs because they are pioneres and people who live in the t3rd world and who are mostly poor dont have lots of spare money about to give to the gb even if they wanted to.they even cut the size of the public watchtower and awake by half as long ago as 2005

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