Question re Shepherding

by Angharad 7 Replies latest jw friends

  • Angharad

    I've been asked to post this on behalf on someone.

    Can a person have any action taken against them if they refuse to accept a shepherding call?

    The circumstances are that they do not go out on service, but are regular at meetings. They want to serve Jehovah, but have lost all faith in the eldership arrangement. Up to now they have just made various excuses, but would like to say No outright, but they are worried that something would be done to them.

    Any comments would be appreciated


  • ozziepost

    Thanks, Angharad for the question.

    How the WTS has perverted the "shepherding" of the flock. Here we have a question that highlights that the flock have the view that elders' shepherding calls are visits by the spiritual policemen.

    No matter how they try to gloss this over, this is a general view by the R&F. Elders may try to deny it to themselves, but how they must be embarrassed by comments such as yours.

    The answer to your friend's question is No, you cannot have judicial action taken against you for refusing to welcome the elders at your home.

    However, (don't we love that Watch Tower idiom?) there is the "crime" of rebellion (included in apostasy) which may also be covered by the the "crime" of loose conduct. Yes, it sounds incredible, but as "the green book' says: "Term not restricted to sexual immorality".

    In addition, there is this comment on page 99 of "Pay Attention to Yourselves" (ks91) [the elders' green book]:

    "If individuals persis in 'walking disorderly' in serious violation of well-established Bible principles, but not yet to a degree warranting judicial action, they may be 'marked' by members of the congregation."

    Either of the above two actions could be taken by over-zealous and one-eyed bodies if they so chose.

    It's a great legal system, ain't it? Notice I didn't say "Christian".


    Ozzie (of the non legal eagles class)

  • logical

    Angharad, pass on MDS's posts to the person. Im sure they will find some answers.

  • Enchanter

    If they lost all faith in the eldership arrangement they might ask themselves another question. "Why am i attending meetings where those same elders make speaches?" And another. "If i do not have faith in the way the elders handle, maybe i do not belong there."


  • Englishman

    Angharad (Nice name, very Poldark),

    When I was a goody two-shoes witness and in 2 servants jobs, I was reprimanded for making too many shepherding calls!

    Some waggish fellow caught on to the fact that I only paid visits to the prettiest sisters in the congregation.

    I just assumed that it was one of the perks of the job.


  • MacHislopp

    Hello Angharad,

    there are few things that you must not do it:

    - Reveal your feeling about the b.o.e., to just anyone,
    feel free to do it only with very intimate friends;

    - When you give reason for delaying the "",
    always with very personal reasons, do not elaborate
    on it;

    - If they insist take your time, you are under no obligation
    to receive anyone in your home.

    Should they insist, keep us informed, someone
    will give you more...lines.

    Agape, J.C.MacHislopp

  • myMichelle

    I have a question on this topic--are sheparding calls always held at the JW's home? Can the JW use the excuse that their nonJW spouse views the elders as bad associations and doesn't want them in the house in order to dodge a sheparding call?

    Just curious,

  • Angharad

    Thanks everyone for replying. I didn't think anything could be done, but you never know lately!

    Thanks Logical but I think I'll give MDS a miss

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