Hypocritical funeral of a JW fireman, geesh

by Aaac 8 Replies latest jw friends

  • Aaac

    A typical JW funeral: helmet placed on the coffin, bagpipe played, honour made etc. ? How outragingly are these people abusing their dead members! They are trying to get some sympathy of the tragedy of 11th Sept.! Makes me puke!

    It is quite allright to honour a fireman Dallas Begg, but I am only thinking of the hypocricy of the Borg!


    (Sorry I am not English speaking)

  • writerpen

    I'm not sure that I'm following this correctly. Was the fallen fire fighter a Witness? If so, then why was so much mention given to what this man did versus preaching to the people and would Bethel have approved this form of funeral talk? If not, would Bethel have approved a member of their team to give a funeral talk to a wordly person that does not include preaching?

  • Scully

    I understand what you're saying.

    But just imagine the public outrage and bad PR it would have caused for the JWs had they squelched the usual honors reserved for a fireman who died in the line of duty.....

    At this point in time, when they are dealing with their Pedophile Paradise being exposed, they can't afford any negative press.

    They have to grab whatever "good" they possibly can out of the situation for the image of the WTS. They'll milk it for all it's worth too.

    Love, Scully

  • Aaac

    This Internet address says:


    "Services for Mickel will be at 11:30 a.m. Saturday at Holy Redeemer Catholic Church, 1603 N. Thacker Ave., Kissimmee. Begg's funeral is set for 5:30 p.m. Monday at Gaylord Palms Convention Center. Visitation for Begg is 5 to 9:30 p.m. Sunday at Kingdom Hall of Jehovah's Witnesses, 2441 Fortune Road, Kissimmee."

    So I guess he was a JW in "good standing", otherwise he would have not been "buried" at the KH.

  • Bodhisattva

    Oh my dog. I know that the transfer from the Catholic Church to the Kingdom Hall will be handled my funeral home personnel, but somehow the image got in my mind of a hand-off wherein a Priest and an Elder exchange pleasantries:

    Priest: "So, you're still covering it up and you've made your people think you're progressive about handling it? How cool is that! The bishops could learn a thing or two from you folks."

    Elder: "Yeah, there's less heat on us, but we don't get to have 'em wear those pretty alter boy outfits."

    The god of the dolphins has flippers.

  • Kenneson

    Visitation for Beggs was Sunday at the Kingdom Hall. Funeral, however, was Monday at Gaylord Palms Convention Center. Remember, there were 2,700 who attended the funeral. The Kingdom Hall could never have accommodated that many people. The paper said that David Iannelli gave the eulogy and that he is a "volunteer with the world headquarter of Jehovah's Witnesses." Maybe the eulogy included some type of preaching too?

  • rekless

    where the hell is the Jw funeral outline.????????

    Can I sue the asses for making my blood pressure shoot through the roof?

    Is my wife any less important than the fireman? She died and was given the ole funeral outline....

    Dog gone it, I am lost of words....

    Damn it I want the bag pipes .

    Edited by - rekless on 7 August 2002 21:1:29

  • Stephanus

    The hypocrisy is breathtaking! The difference between the way they treat the R&F behind closed doors and the way they treat someone when the eyes of the world is upon them is unbelievable!

    I wonder if we're going to see some New Light creep in here - Brooklyn have been made aware how bad the current rules make them look, so like every other change, they'll quietly adjust things and pretend it was never any different.

    Edited by - Stephanus on 8 August 2002 0:30:48

  • Thirdson

    Isn't Uncle Onion of this board a firefighter?

    I'd like to see his take on this especially how he was treated by JW elders for being a JW and a firefigther at the same time.


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