Thanks for the chat earlier tonight. As we discussed Mitochondria Eve lies at the core of my answer.
What does this mean? The premise of Mitochondria Eve is that we can all be traced back to a single woman about 200,000 years ago (probably in Africa).
What are Mitochondria?Mitochondria power cells. Mitochondria are considered separate from the cell because they have their own DNA which is unaffected by other genetic exchanges.
What are Mitochondrial DNA and why are they important?
We are conceived by the combination of our parental genetic material (in equal proportion from each parent). Our paren'ts were conceived in the same manner from their parents contributing genetic material in equal proportions...and so on...in essence making us a "soup" of genetic material through multiple repeated patterns.
However, the Mitochondrial DNA remain relatively consistent through the female line. Male sperm cells have only enough mitochondria to power them to the egg....but not enough to enter and mix with the mitochondria from the female egg. Thus the only possible way for mitochondria to change in makeup is through mutation (a slow drawn out process)
What does this have to do with "Eve"?
By comparing the Mitochondrial DNA from different groups, from different regions we can construct a "molecular clock". For example if we pattern the Mitochondrial DNA (MDNA) from someone in Africa and then compare it to the MDNA of someone say from Europe we can ascertain when the Europeans left Africa. The sampling as part of the survey to construct this theory occurred from hunderds of groups from all over the planet. When the data was analysed it pointed to a common ancestor living in Africa about 200,000 years ago.
This points to a glut in human genetics at which point the earthly population was so tiny that the genetics of one woman could affect all future population. She must have had genetic advantages which enabled her offspring to survive while all other offspring from other parents died over time thus leaving her MDNA as the consistent fabric across time.
She may not have been the last Mitochondrial Eve....