School Shootings and White People's Denial

by LDH 7 Replies latest jw friends

  • LDH

    I thought you all would enjoy this article and maybe have some comments. It was sent to me by J Phil Reed, a white man who is a member of the clergy of the Catholic Church. He and my husband went to college together. Phil served for 15 years as a missionary in Africa, and he really feels at home when he is there. (even though he's got the complexion of a fish's belly, LOL)

    School Shootings and White Denial

    Tim Wise, AlterNet
    March 6, 2001

    I can think of no other way to say this, so here goes: white people need to
    pull our heads out of our collective ass.
    Two more white children are dead
    and thirteen are injured, and another "nice" community is scratching its
    blonde head, utterly perplexed at how a school shooting the likes of the one
    yesterday in Santee, California could happen. After all, as the Mayor of
    the town said in an interview with CNN: "We're a solid town, a good town,
    with good kids, a good church-going All-American town." Yeah,
    well maybe that's the problem. I said this after Columbine and no one
    listened so I'll say it again: white people live in an utter state of
    self-delusion. We think danger is black, brown and poor, and if we can
    just move far enough away from "those people" in the cities we'll be safe.
    If we can just find an "all-American" town, life will be better, because
    "things like this just don't happen here."

    Well bullshit on that. In case you hadn't noticed, "here" is about the
    only place these kinds of things do happen. Oh sure, there is plenty of
    violence in urban communities and schools. But mass murder; wholesale
    slaughter; take-a-gun-and-see-how-many-you-can-kill kinda craziness seems
    made for those safe places: the white suburbs or rural communities.

    And yet once again, we hear the FBI insist there is no "profile" of a school
    shooter. Come again? White boy after white boy after white boy, with
    very few exceptions to that rule (and none in the mass shooting category),
    decides to use their classmates for target practice, and yet here is no
    profile? Imagine if all these killers had been black: would we still
    hesitate to put a racial face on the perpetrators? Doubtful. Indeed, if any
    black child in America -- especially in the mostly white suburbs of
    Littleton, or Santee -- were to openly discuss their plans to
    murder fellow students, as happened both at Columbine and now Santana High,
    you can bet your ass that somebody would have turned them in, and the cops
    would have beat a path to their doorstep.
    But when whites discuss their
    murderous intentions, our stereotypes of what danger looks like cause us to
    ignore it -- they're just "talking" and won't really do anything. How many
    kids have to die before we rethink that nonsense? How many dazed and
    confused parents, Mayors and Sheriffs do we have to listen to, describing
    how "normal" and safe their community is, and how they just can't understand
    what went wrong?

    I'll tell you what went wrong and it's not TV, rap music, video games or a
    lack of prayer in school. What went wrong is that white Americans decided
    to ignore dysfunction and violence when it only affected other communities,
    and thereby blinded themselves to the inevitable creeping of chaos which
    never remains isolated too long. What affects the urban "ghetto" today
    will be coming to a Wall-Mart near you tomorrow, and unless you address the
    emptiness, pain, isolation and lack of hope felt by children of color and
    the poor, then don't be shocked when the support systems aren't there for
    your kids either.

    What went wrong is that we allowed ourselves to be lulled into a false sense
    of security by media representations of crime and violence that portray both
    as the province of those who are anything but white like us. We ignore the
    warning signs, because in our minds the warning signs don't live in our
    neighborhood, but across town, in that place where we lock our car doors on
    the rare occasion we have to drive there. That false sense of security --
    the result of racist and classiest stereotypes -- then gets people killed.
    And still we act amazed.

    But listen up my fellow white Americans: your children are no better, no
    nicer, no more moral, no more decent than anyone else. Dysfunction is all
    around you, whether you choose to recognize it or not. According to the
    Centers for Disease Control, and Department of Health and Human Services, it
    is your children, and not those of the urban ghetto, who are most likely to
    use drugs. That's right: white high school students are seven times more
    likely than blacks to have used cocaine; eight times more likely to have
    smoked crack; ten times more likely to have used LSD and seven times more
    likely to have used heroin. In fact, there are more white high school
    students who have used crystal methamphetamine (the most addictive drug on
    the streets) than there are black students who smoke cigarettes.

    What's more, white youth ages 12-17 are more likely to sell drugs: 34% more
    likely, in fact than their black counterparts. And it is white youth who
    are twice as likely to binge drink, and nearly twice as likely as blacks to
    drive drunk. And white males are twice as likely to bring a weapon to
    school as are black males. And yet I would bet a valued body part that
    there aren't 100 white people in Santee, California, or most any other
    "nice" community who have ever heard a single one of the statistics above.
    Even though they were collected by government agencies using these folks'
    tax money for the purpose. Because the media doesn't report on white

    A few years ago, U.S. News ran a story entitled: "A Shocking look at blacks
    and crime." Yet never have they or any other news outlet discussed the
    "shocking" whiteness of these shoot-em-ups. Indeed, every time media
    commentators discuss the similarities in these crimes they mention that the
    shooters were boys, they were loners, they got picked on, but never do they
    seem to notice a certain highly visible melanin deficiency. Color-blind,
    I guess.

    White-blind is more like it, as I figure these folks would spot color mighty
    damn quick were some of it to stroll into their community. Santee's
    whiteness is so taken for granted by its residents that the Mayor, in that
    CNN interview, thought nothing of saying on the one hand that the town was
    82 percent white, but on the other hand that "this is America." Well that
    isn't America, and it especially isn't California, where whites are only
    half of the population. This is a town that is removed from America, and yet
    its Mayor thinks they are the normal ones -- so much so that when asked
    about racial diversity, he replied that there weren't many of different
    "ethni-tis-tities." Not a word. Not even close.

    I'd like to think that after this one, people would wake up. Take note.
    Rethink their stereotypes of who the dangerous ones are. But deep down, I
    know better. The folks hitting the snooze button on this none-too-subtle
    alarm are my own people, after all, and I know their blindness like the back
    of my hand.

    Tim Wise is a Nashville-based writer and activist and can be reached at
    [email protected] <mailto: [email protected]> <

    In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, this material is distributed
    without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the
    included information for research and educational purposes.

    Njoki Njoroge Njehû (Ms.)
    Director, 50 Years Is Enough Network
    1247 E Street, SE
    Washington, DC 20003
    Tel: 202/IMF-BANK or 202/544-9355
    Fax: 202/544-9359
    Email: [email protected]

  • Simon

    I think there is something to this - most serial killers tend to be from white christian backgrounds (often with extreme religions upbringing).
    Incidentally, I know of at least one elder who was committed after he tried to kill his wife...and he is STILL an elder !?!

  • LDH


  • jelly

    Lets see white kids 07 times more likely to use coke;
    08 times more likely to use crack;
    10 times more likely to use lsd;
    and 07 times more likely to use meth.

    If you point is that suburban schools must be more cognizant of the possibility of violence in their school I agree with you. Your statistics however are way off base, (except for meth) if you were to break down the rates of drug abuse per capita you would find INCREASED rates in less affluent areas, and that means the inner-city schools. I cant answer why white people tend to be the only group that comprises serial killers, psychologist say it has something to do with their perceived place in society and the desire for power, whatever. However when in comes to school violence the reason that inner-city schools have less trouble that suburban is that they have been dealing with the problem longer, and the threat is real to them. When teachers and faculty work at an inner-city school they are aware daily that real violence can happen so they look for signs in order to deal with it quickly. Do mass murders happen in inner-city schools no, but drive bys do.
    So, suburban schools should be more cognizant to the dangers of violence. I also realize that violence and drugs isn’t just a problem in any one community, or group. The author made valid points but weakened his theme by adding bizarre statistics and a slightly hostile tone.
    Jelly (cracker class)

  • Prisca

    Why does everything have to be seen in terms of black and white?

    The latest TIME magazine covers the issue of schoolyard killings and no where does race come into it. Black or white, red or yellow, all races are capable of killing fellow humans.

    The reasons for the last few killings come from lack of parental interest (in the Santee incident), being picked on by fellow pupils, and access to guns which were kept in the family home.

    These are issues that all members of society, regardless of race, gender or age, should focus on.

    Don't we care about the young ones in our world anymore?

    Why do some kids feel they have to resort to using a gun to solve their problems? What/who taught them that violence was the answer to problems in life?

    Andy Williams from Santee, California, USA, had no parental interest in his life. He lived with his Dad, who was described as being "distant". His mother lived elsewhere. Williams called his friend's mothers "mom". He was bullied at school. He took weed to block off his problems. His father had an antique gun display. Williams took one of these guns, shortened it, and took it to school one Monday morning. We know what happened after that.

    Statistis actually show that school killings have decreased since 1992. Yet we still should not ignore the warning signs. At least for our kids' sakes.


    ldh - yea - thought provoking - personally though i just see it as symptonatic of a world - (despite millenia hyperbole) entering a digitally induced dark age - i-ching

    Edited by - iching on 17 March 2001 11:9:41

  • mommy

    I am going to agree with Jelly here. My husband grew up in Oakland California and I shared this article with him. He told me kids just knew to wait until after school before they shot people so they could run and not get caught. Btw he has seen and been involved in several deaths and near deaths just in his neighborhood. Also the teaches are trained to look for the signs,also metal detectors and extra police force is used at these schools.
    I grew up in an inner city school as well. We had to go through metal detectors to get into school, also armed police officers patrolled the halls. I also went to suburban schools, and basically anything goes there, no metal detectors, no anti gang talks. Everyone walking around blindly like there was no problems. I can also say I saw more drugs,not guns, but more drugs in the suburban schools.
    I lived in Lake county Florida for a time, it is mostly suburban and retirement county. There was 2 school shootings within 1 year of each other. One "white" boy was mad a "black" boy kept picking on him, and took a gun to school and shot him dead. The second one was basically the same senario, except the poor white kid shot himself before he had a chance to shoot the "black" kid. I was a nurse in a DR office at the time. Several days after the accident I was taking a young boy back in the office and asked why he was there he told me it was a follow up of an injury to his hand. I asked how it happened and he told me he had shot himself before he had a chance to kill the "ni**er" He was very angry and still wanted to kill the other boy. I talked to him for awhile and he told me that he told people he was going to do it, noone would listen and take him seriously. Unfortunatly he still was telling them but still noone would listen.
    I don't know but if someone made that kind of statement to me I would stop and take time to listen and then notify someone who can help. But too often these kids are overlooked. That is why there are so many kids killing kids. After the fireworks there really are signs and obvious signs of trouble! So sad.

  • JT

    This article was zipping among lots and lots of black folks emails

    i know for i got it at least 11 times from different black folks

    i try to stay out of the racial stuff cause it touches folks so deeply and emotionally many times, but i will share this thought

    for many black like myself we realize that good and bad folks are found regardless of race, but many times we see the media and white persons make certain statements that as a black man in my mind are interpeted a certain way- these are 2 statements that just kill me and many other blacks EVERY time we hear them:

    1. "How could such a thing happen in this community we live in "AN ALL AMERICAN" COMMUNITY.

    2. "Those type things DON'T happen in OUR COMMUNITY"

    so for many blacks they see white persons esp here in the USA in denial or padding the facts-

    many times when a black kid 12/13 yrs old does something like that he is refered to as:

    1. An Animal
    2. A Beast
    3. A Monster
    4. He is a Hoodlum
    4. Lock his Black A$$ up and throw away the key. etc

    yet many times if it is a white kid we often read

    1. He is just a Child
    2. He needs Professional Help

    SO FOR many blacks that type of message is interpeted as a Double Standard-
    just wanted to give you an inside look into the "HOOD"

    just my 2


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