I am challenging my own perception of the Bible, from what I have comfortably held for many years. At work, I have learned the proper place for a manual - handy to refer to, but don't treat it as gospel. You Know those annoying colleagues at work, that pull out chapter and verse the minute things don't go their way. My dad taught me years ago to keep the intent foremost in mind (why in the heck did they have to write this down in the first place) and act according to that. It has made me a better supervisor, and kept me from being a royal pain. The only time I quote chapter and verse is when I meet a stubborn idiot that is keeping others from doing their job. Then I go looking for the chapter and verse that will move the idiot out of the way.
I realize that my attitude towards the Bible has shifted through the years towards treating it as a handy life manual. Keep the intent in mind, and nevermind chapter and verse. If I freak out about holidays and in the process injure my relationship with my parents and children, I am contrary to the intent of the bible writers.
I fear many fundamentalists are missing the magic, mystery, love, and beauty of the Christian life by treating the Bible as a god, to be fiercly fought over and defended to the death. Death of what? All normal relationships with people? I invite all opinions on this topic.
Edited by - jgnat on 8 August 2002 14:31:21