The Borg is Here to Stay You Belong to Us

by Faraon 7 Replies latest social humour

  • Faraon

    I you don't believe me check

    Was this done in Brooklyn?

  • COMF

    I just spent several minutes listening to a sentence that is grammatically incorrect and makes no sense.

  • Faraon

    Hello COMF,

    I found many similarities between the slide show and the WTs modus operandi:

    Have you noticed the grammatical accuracy of most of the trolls posting here?

    The "message" is spread throughout, with a few exceptions.

    The Matrix computer shows the mind control under which we were.

    Even the dead (symbolized by the tumbstone with the message) have received "the word"

    It ends with a bang anyway.

  • NameWithheld

    Ahhh - AYB rises from the ashes of the web yet again!!!! Just when you think it's dead ...

  • Bleep

    They have too much time in "trying" to make a point. God will never want his subjects to be "borg". That is why Jehovah had the question of "Does mankind have the right to rule themselves?", and he allowed that question to become a reality.

    Satan on the other hand does not even care if humans live or die. Without Jehovahs direction and principles, we are lost. And he is the one who was the first to raise that question.

  • plmkrzy
    I just spent several minutes listening to a sentence that is grammatically incorrect and makes no sense

    Dang I'm glad I gave up waiting for the site to open then. Didn't hear a thing

  • jgnat

    Thank you, Faraon, for sharing that. What a hoot! Unity at its best.

  • Elsewhere

    I don't get it... it's open to too much interpretation - if any at all.

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