In Genesis 1, describing the creative works of Yahweh, it tells us in verses 24-28 that on the sixth creative day Yahweh made both domestic animals and wild beasts. One of those two categories must have included dogs. So Yahweh may lay claim to having created dogs.
Psalm 104, a hymn of praise to Yahweh (and, I guess also to Jesus - the logos - as co-creator in the Christian version of the Psalm's interpretation) that seems to review the Yahweh/Jesus co-creators program of creation, claims in verse 24:
How many are your works, Lord!
In wisdom you made them all;
the earth is full of your creatures.
The psalmist surely must have included dogs in that claim of Yahweh's creative wisdom. But that must surely be the only (and, its an indirect reference, at that) good reference to dogs. From most of the scriptural references to dogs, we can only conclude that the Yahweh/Jesus combo God dislikes dogs, and dislikes them intensely.
In Isaiah 56:10 there is a tirade against someone and the 'someone' is/are insulted by being compared to dumb dogs. The witness guru, Freddy Franz, managed to turn that into a rant against Christendom's clergy.
In 2 Peter 2: 22, drawing on a rant against foolish people in Proverbs 26:11, people who apostasize from "true" (whatever that is) Christianity, are described in these terms:
'Of them the proverbs are true: “A dog returns to its vomit,”'
And in Revelation 22:15 concluding a description of the joy and happiness of those who manage to survive into the NH & NE the author states categorically that outside the gates of the holy city, are wicked humans, and (surprise, surprise) DOGS.
So don't expect to have a pet Fido with you in Yahweh's vision of paradise.
Which is surprising isn't it, in view of the fact that humans,(made in Yahweh's image) mostly love dogs.
Its a very old bond, scientific research indicate the possibility that the bond between humans and dogs could be 27,000 years old.
See: " Dogs' special relationship to humans may go back 27,000 to 40,000 years." at
Dogs are included in many images of happy family life, because dogs have the ability to correctly interpret human feelings.
See: "Dogs know that Smile on Your face" at
Look into a dog's eyes, and you may experience a surge of oxytocin in your body, something like the surge that comes when you look into the eyes of your beloved.
See: Our Love of puppydog eyes explained by science. at and
So why doesn't Yahweh tell us why he made dos "not good?" I cant tell you that, because Yahweh never admits or explains his mistakes.
But maybe, just maybe its because he's a jealous god and the Egyptian god Anubis must have loved dogs. A huge tomb near the former capital of Memphis contains the mummies of some eight million dogs. Imagine so many dead dogs in the Jerusalem temple- Yahweh may have died from the shock.
See, Huge Dog Tomb Unearthed in Egypt. at