This week's Watchtower Study article "Are You Living Up to Your Dedication?" includes this statement (para 11):
"In any case, our salvation depends, not on anything we might do, but on Jehovah's undeserved kindness [grace] through Christ Jesus, our Lord."
This sounds much like the Christian position on salvation. But wait! The next subheading reads "Making Each Day Count" and goes on to deal with witnessing works. It concludes the study with the comment: "Our firm detremination should be to hold a good conscience with regard to both our conduct and our ministry."
And so in the same article, we have the two positions described, salvation by Grace and salvation by works. Sounds schizophrenic perhaps?
I knew a sister who left the Society in the 1950s, she is now a Bible Student, she use to subscribe to the Watchtower, read all the articles, write her comments on the margin, refuting what they stated, with scripture, then mail it back to the Society, need I say, her subscription was cancelled!