I've read alot of great posts that contain experiences, opinions, and facts that show what the WTS has as an ageneda. My own experiences and observations are as follows:
Mind Conrol: The WTS weapon of choice to keep their ranks within their grasp so as not to influence the rest. Their objective is to protect the numbers and keep the $$$ flowing in. Money is the root of the evil in the WTS. Mind control is a tool that is used to keep thier ranks on the same page. You buck their system and you get the boot along with a label to warn the flock not to be influenced.
Disfellowshipping, Disassociating and marking: The result of unrepentant acts or opinions that threaten their world empire of $$$$. DF'ing for immorality usually is after more than one offense or the display of unrepetance right off the bat. Apostacy however is handled with great speed and DF'ing or DA'ing comes quick. If you get by without getting the boot your spied upon and watched under the microscope.
Public Talk: The pouring out of doctrinal BS and lies to keep the ranks' hopes in the "prized New System" alive, thus keeping the $$$$ flowing in by keeping the numbers of the rank on the increase, or at a faster rate than the ones that are bailing out. They use this meeting to get to your heart and pump you up with "Hope for the future". They usually sprinkle the guilt trip around in it too, just for good measure.
Circuit Overseer's Visit: The Bombardment of guilt with very little praise. Usually one sentence of praise and 30 minutes of guilt. Emphasis is put on Field Service so as to raise your guilt level for not doing all you can to bring in the $$$$ or new recruits.
Pioneer meeting ( comes with the above): Building up the ones who have committed to spend alot of their time pushing literature and recruiting new ones. Not too much guilt is poured out here. Usually heart felt encouragement is given, after all, these are the main soldiers in the field. Bring in the recruits!!! Get more Bible Studies!!! These new ones will hopefully make the ranks and bring in the $$$.
Theocratic School and Service Meeting: This is the training sessions for teaching you how to bring in the $$$$. Your told what to say, what not to say, how to push literature on innocent victoms at their private residences. They use the voluntary donation ploy to make the householder feel it's a worthy cause to donate. They encourage the youth to participate, for this is their future for $$$$$.
Cicuit and District Conventions: A way to gather a real large group into one place in order to get a captive audience for pouring out more BS doctrine, releasing new books to sell or to study at mind control sessions. Makes you look around and say "Hey look at all these people, I must be in the right religion". Applause and singing strengthen the heart felt desire to go on doing what you think is right. The strength in numbers ploy.
Field Service: The implementation of what is taught. The busy activity of collecting $$$$ and from time to time stumbling accross new recruits. I used to find myself putting in alot more money than collected at the door, and I think most Dubs do the same thing. I said to myself "...I didn't do so well Saturday, I'll just kick in $10 $20 or whatever to make up for it."
Book Study: Enduring one hour of boring BS to get to the real purpose, coffee, donuts, cake, and sociallizing after the meeting. Some discussion usually takes place to plan Saturdays attack on some unsuspecting neighborhood. This gathering is used to build up the comradory and strengthen the morrale of the ranks.
Shepparding Calls: Same as the Book Study except you only endure the BS for 1/2 hour, then comes the donuts, coffee, and treats, and on occassion alcoholic beverages. On many of my visits the Elder or MS talked about ideas to make $$$. Little did he know that if he was successful he's usually talked into donating most of it to the WTS.
Well, I've said enough. My hopes are to help those still in to see what the WTS really is up to. There are alot of good people being sucked in by the WTS and are being kept under their control for the power of $$$. We'll keep posting what we know and help as many as we can to get out. JMHO.