Shock encounter for the Apostle...

by TheApostleAK 5 Replies latest jw friends

  • TheApostleAK

    I was waiting for a bus to get back to my house 3 days ago and guess who drove past in a car??? The first JW I ever studied with and who got me in to "the truth" (he's the same age as me, 24) . He was driving a Nissan Sylvia (sports 4 JW's) and he had his left eyebrow PIERCED...

    I wonder what his story is??

    PS This guy is married to an Elders daughter.


  • imzadi

    That's interesting about JWs not being allowed to have sports cars. I have a JW friend who has owned a red Camero for at least four years and her JW brother had it for two years before that.

    I'm not JW, so out of curiosity, WHY aren't JWs supposed to have sports cars and what happens to them if they are discovered with one in their possession?

  • TheApostleAK

    It's a sign of materialism for JW's and plus you can't use it for transport for field service cos its (depending on car) got only 2 seats or if its got 4 seats, not enuff room.'


  • SpiderMonkey

    My dad (a doctor, who never believed in JW but was baptized as one & was an MS for years) had a Porsche 911 while being an MS, literature servant, and well spoken of by the entire cong. Never was taken to the "back room" about it, possibly because most of the elders were middle-upper-class and had their own nice homes, cars, and congregational perks in the first place? Hard to draw the line on "materialism" IMO, especially since those most likely to get "privileges" are those who feel most at ease with themselves... IMO, those who had the benefit of a college education and "worldly success" before conversion.

  • zenpunk

    Forget the sports car....isn't having your eyebrow pierced a big time no-no for JWs. Seeing that, I would definately wonder what was up.

  • Swan

    Yeah, the body piercing thing was the surprise here. Not a dub-like thing to do at all. Sounds like if you looked him up in the phone book, called him up, and then asked him what was up; he would probably tell you!

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