Things that make you go "hmmm"

by leaving_quietly 7 Replies latest jw experiences

  • leaving_quietly

    Got a phone call last week, but I didn't recognize the number, so I didn't answer. No voice mail was left. Or so I thought. Turns out my cell phone is having a problem with voice mail notifications, so when I manually checked today, I found out there WAS a voice mail. It was from a JW locally who I didn't know, but who was working with the local construction group for the Warwick project. They were on a recruiting drive, trying to see if I would be interested in working temporary construction at the new headquarters.

    This got me to thinking... there's been multiple letters, pleas in KMs, encouragement to volunteer in various WT articles, and now... personal recruitment phone calls. I know men who have gone back to work there and they tell me there's usually around 700 people working on the site at any give time. I wonder why they are resorting to this sort of recruitment, especially when I haven't turned in an application, and my RBC file is several years out of date, and I don't have the skills they are looking for anyway.

    Things that make you go, "hmmm".

  • sir82
    My guess is that they are behind schedule and are stepping up their recruitment efforts in order to try to meet their deadline.
  • StarTrekAngel
    It could be, but I would not be surprised if they are just looking to have an overpopulation of volunteers. In my short experience with construction projects, there is never enough help. They will never stop recruiting. They want to build as fast as possible. Gives a chance to make them feel unimportant. No one in my cong can say that the job would not be completed without them.
  • leaving_quietly

    They want to build as fast as possible.

    The HAVE to build as fast as possible, don't they? Don't they have a January 2017 deadline to be out NYC?

  • JustVisting
    The new owners will cut them some slack and let 'em stay as long as they need to while their resort gets comleted. Money takes care of money.
  • StrongHaiku

    I agree with sir82. It is very likely that they are behind schedule.

    However, one question that would make things a bit more clear to me is "what skills are they asking for?". That might help determine their rationale.

  • joe134cd
    I know when they built an assembly hall in this country, at first you had to have the national hours of field service. However when work started getting behind schedule, and they needed more workers, then national hours wasn't a a requirement for working on the project.
  • punkofnice

    The bOrg drones have no logic behind the things they do as they obey orders from their vile overlords. The Governing paedophile protecting Body has money and prestige behind the things they do.

    They are a bleedin' shower between the lot of them. they're in trouble, probably behind schedule and Jay-man in the sky isn't helping.

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