I cannot calm down at the moment because as I was cooking the tea,( sausages burgers chips beans eggs mushrooms etc) the chip pan appeared to ignite and flames ,no ,one big flame shot almost to the ceiling.I couldn't get near the cooker after I'd turned off the gas, as the heat was so intense.Only my daughter with me, she started to call 999, I took over the call, trying to describe how to get to our fairly off-the-beaten track house, spelling t-h-e-n-a-m-e-o-f-o-u-r-h-o-u-s-e, heat getting very intense now, ceiling about to catch fire,spelling the name of n-e-a-r-es-t-t-o-w-n, screaming to daughter, GET OUT OF THE HOUSE! Giving up with woman on phone, husband comes home, turns off gas bottle ( duh!) beats out flames on wall. Fire engine + police, all well now finish cooking tea on stove. No it wasn't the chip pan it was a split in the gas pipe which caught fire, maybe we can decorate soon!
I'm all hyper to-night
by meat pie 8 Replies latest jw friends
Thank God you are all ok !
Take care,
One word: Electricity Sorry about that, Meat Pie!
Now, if you went to the Tuesday book study tonight God would have prevented it from happening!
Glad you're OK meatie!
meat pie
Thanks Blues Brother and SYN, can't do big electricity as we are at least 50,000 away from mains supply.We are usually very safety conscious, but the pipe had just split over time without us noticing, WHEW!
meat pie
Thanks Matty, funnily enough, I did think think it would make an excellent excuse to miss a meeting had I still been going.Thanx to all.
Double Edge
All' well that ends well... I'm glad you're safe....now kick back with a brewski and relax!
,( sausages burgers chips beans eggs mushrooms etc)
Now you know what happens to health freaks!
I saw the title of this thread MeatPie and couldn't imagine you getting "excited" about anything. You have such a calm, quiet demenor I had to see what you were talking about!
YIKES! I'm glad you and your family are ok.
Don't you just hate it when the men folk show up and calmly figure out what's going on and put the flames out!
Thanks for sharing that experience, it put a smile on my face.