You could witness to me under one condition...

by Larry 1 Replies latest jw friends

  • Larry

    Since departing from the BORG, I've always wanted a non-JW to do the following: The next time a JW attempts to witness to you, tell them "Ok, I'll allow you to witness to me if you agree not to report this as time." I would love to see the reaction from the JW :)

    This raises some questions:

    Would most JW's agree and not report it as time?

    Would most JW's agree not to report it and report it anyway, reasoning that Jah will understand?

    Would most JW's turn down the opportunity?

    Peace - LL

    PS - If you're an active JW - please answer the above - Thanks.

  • Vivamus

    Now, that would create a difficult situation for the JW. Naturally, he/she would want to witness to you, for you are a human being waiting to be saved. But, not reporting time, would be like lying, can't do that. Plus, if she/he would not report the time, but wouldn't put in _extra_ time, then the avarage of fieldservivce would drop with the amount of hours talking to you. Now, how would he/she explain that to the eldres?


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