Feeling Sorry for JW kids

by JT 5 Replies latest jw friends

  • JT

    Please, Let show some unity in the power of Prayer and Commitment! The USA needs our prayers first and our loyalty. GOD HAVE MERCY ON AMERICA, Then GOD BLESS AMERICA! Love You! -----Original Message-----

    Sent: Wednesday, August 14, 2002 6:56 AM
    Subject: FW: 9-11-02

    September 11, 2002 is soon approaching. On that day, please wear
    red, white and blue to work or school to show your support for those
    who lost their lives on 9~11~01 and to honor the heroes who worked to
    save them and the families left behind. At noon your time on
    September 11, 2002, no matter where you are or what you are doing,
    stop, put your hand on your heart, and say the Pledge of Allegiance~
    out loud or to yourself~ and say a prayer for our nation. If all of
    us do this together in every time zone around the world, we will
    have a powerful chain of thoughts surrounding us.

    Please keep this going to your friends and family. By September 11,
    2002 hopefully enough people will have read this and will join
    together in unity.

    God Bless the U. S. A.


    Often times we see posters who are former jw talk about how the choices of being a jw and this is not to dog them , but to shed some light on the plight of being a jw child. myself like many here grew up as jw kids and for many of us those years were just tramatic and painful

    I got this email this morning from a coworker and i was thinking if this email catches on esp in Schools HOW hard it will be for the most helpless victims of the WT system

    the little kids- perhaps the High School jw can fend for themselves, in fact when i reached HS is was cool not to salute and pledge the flag - so it felt so good seeing other kids who really didnt care during the pep rally to stand and pledge,

    but for the little 2nd and 3rd graders, etc life will be hell- having a teacher who is former miltary or who is very patriotic is a little jw kis worst nightmare.

    my wife had a teacher when she was in the 3rd grade who said NO STUDENT OF MINE WILL STAY IN HERE AND DISRESPECT THE FLAG

    the kicker was my wife was the only little black girl in her class so not only was she dealing with racial issues now she got flag issues-

    Lady "C" is almost 40 yrs old and when she talks about it - the pain of each day going to school knowing that you would be asked to leave the room and have fellow kids snicker at you and poke fun at you still hurts her till this day

    as she says to now find out that all you believed was for being Loyal to God turns out to be a joke -

    she talks about the friendships she could have developed if it were not for the fact that she was the oddball man(woman) out in school

    so when i got this email i could only think of the little jw kids who come Sept 11 will catch HELL AND FOR NO FAULT OF THEIRS


    WHEN YOU consider in 10yrs they will be saying WE NEVER TOLD YOU GUYS YOU COULD NOT SALUTE THE FLAG

    is so sad

  • nita6368


    I agree with you 100%. 2 of my kids were small when I left the org but my oldest went through all of the B.S.. He and I were talking one day and he told me how embarassed he used to feel and how all of his friends would tell him they felt sorry for him. He said some of his friends told him they weren't going to bring cupcakes anymore for their birthday because they felt bad that he couldn't have any. His teacher was a real gem and wouldn't let him leave the room, just made him sit and observe. There is no doubt in my mind I would have lost him at 18, if I had stayed in. Proudly all my kids will be donning their red,white and blue this Sept 11

  • minimus

    JT, I see in many of your posts that you are bringing out how whatever JW's are being taught now will eventually be disbanded. And it will be denied that such and such a thing was ever viewed a certain way. You are so right.

  • LDH

    Comments made by my high school teachers regarding the JWs. (In my presence)

    10th grade, Ms. Galbraith, very cool Social Studies teacher. I've always loved Social Studies, and was one the top students. We were assigned a report, which we could choose topics from a list. I chose "Why the League of Nations Failed." I viewed this as the ultimate chance to convert her, and prepared my entire bibliography from WTBS books! LMAO! Like they are credible sources, LOL!!!

    I was featuring the scripture about "The thing that was, but is not yet, and then will be" or some such Krap. You know the one I mean.

    (ROTFLMAO now, but then I thought I was scholarly.) I reviewed it with her about a week before it was due, and man did it piss her off! She refused to let me discuss anything about Biblical Prophecy in my report, and made me rip it apart, and rewrite it with credible sources. I was so hurt. Now I realize she probably saved me from some good ass-beatings. If I had given that report in public in front of my class, I would've been tortured for the rest of the year.

    She also made it a point to say later in the year, "I'm sick of JWs coming around to my door trying to sell me books and religion>" To which everyone else died laughing and my face burned in shame.

    12th grade, Ms. Lindfors, Spanish Teacher. I had her for four years, and she was my favorite teacher. I guess she did not know I was JW . We were talking about "What we got for Christmas"....after Christmas vacation, I was the last to go. I was so embarrased, I of course didn't get anything. So I acted like the vacation we took was my present. Then, out of nowhere, she says something like, "I've got a JW student in my a.m. class, that kid didn't get anything. I feel so sorry for those JW kids!"

    I can still feel my shame, to this day.

    A young girl in our KH had a tenth grade English teacher, Mr. Orser, who claimed publicly, "Jehovah's Witnesses will nickle and dime you to death." Being an elder's daughter, she "defended the truth."

    How sad, as JT would say.

    Yep, there's plenty of shame to go around for the Jehoober's Witless kids.


  • Room 215
    Room 215

    Commemorative events at school set for 09/11/02? Sounds like an occasion for widespread Theocractic Truancies!

  • Xander

    Huh - we had a CO and wife by that name not that long ago. It was not a common name, IIRC, and in each talk he would be sure to note that his last name was pronounced 'Gal-braith, which is easy to remember, becomes it rhymes with FAITH!'

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