watchtower not following 1st and second commandment because they are ostrasizing and shunning fellow humans
by poopie 9 Replies latest jw friends
Shunning violates the law of love that is principled love agape. You can never justify shunning another human made in Gods image no human has the God given right to completely shun another human by giving them the silent treatment. Its also a form of bullying which the watchtower condems on its own website. Jehovah is a God of love to say that principled love is shown by bullying shunning fellow humans made in Gods image is and outright lie and against the God of all the universe who makes his sun rise on all. Jesus never shunned anyone if we are imitating Jesuss and at the same time shunning then were not imitating Jesus or Jehovah. Jesus came to save what was lost. So pressure building against this ungodly practice of shunning. Matthew 5:19 says" Whoever breaks one of these least commandments and teaches others to do so will be called least in relation to the kingdom of the heavens" -
Yes, it goes against everything we are taught Jehovah and Jesus to be, that is showing unconditional love for one another and showing forgiveness towards one another as we have been freely forgiven by Him. Unfortunately, they see it as an act of love for the brother or sister who has been disfellowshipped. By shunning, love is shown by not talking to them to bring them back to Jehovah thus ultimately saving their lives. -
The WBT$ doesn't give a hoot about the Bible. They are a real estate scam and pyramid business. Their goals are corporate............nothing to do with god or the Bible. -
Yep there are at least 6 teachings of Christ they do not follow. -
Just six? -
Nope I said at least six, I could only think of six off the top of my head. -
You need to make sure the writers of the Biblical Epistles read your thoughtful OP.
The blueprint for shunning was laid down in those rule-breeding letters to the early congregations. Paul fine-tuned methods of managing "dissension" - and those rules took off like wild fire across the centuries.
Christianity began with a freedom unheard of but, when it grew and needed organizing, rules began to multiply, especially for dealing with differences in opinion and practise. Enter shunning.
Anyone who has an issue with shunning needs to take it up firstly with the writers of so-called "Holy" Scripture rather than with current proponents of this patriarchal leftover from more superstitious eras.
Ha ha christians follow christ first so show me where christ shunned then i will -
In fact show me anywhere in scripture that show practice of shunning another human by not speaking to them scripture only no human reasoning. -
Poopie, don't ask me - ask the contemporaneous religious groups who use the Biblical/early Christian practice of shunning to their own ends. At the same time, speaking globally about the unfairness of shunning, remember it was not invented by the religious groups that milk it for all it's worth.