Hello all,
Feeling a bit devious about now and wanted to throw this out.
I heard on the radio about a new camera that could be 'connected' to a wireless hub and accessed through the internet.
Just imagine going to ones' commitee meeting with a camera already installed in the room or in a bookbag or in a fake hollowed-out bible , new world translation of course . The wireless hub could be in a nearby vehical connected to the web via a cell phone.
Now, the WHOLE WORLD can see a JW kangaroo-court-judical-commitee meeting in action.
I guess sound can be recorded and added later or somthing.
Or mabey, he he, get one of those webaccessable cell phones where you can take video and insert it in your jacket, camera lens replacing a button of course, and reccord the entire event to your web page.
Ahh, there are SO many possibilities. I might be tempted to do somthing if I'm ever called before a CM, but then, I would not go out of contempt for that cult!
Gotta be careful of the recording laws though.
Edited by - CornerStone on 14 August 2002 21:7:23
Edited by - CornerStone on 14 August 2002 21:8:32