11:00pm eastern, 10:00pm central, 8:00pm pacific.
Watch. Its in the second half of the show.
For those who missed it!!!
by hawkaw 7 Replies latest jw friends
11:00pm eastern, 10:00pm central, 8:00pm pacific.
Watch. Its in the second half of the show.
For those who missed it!!!
Thanks Hawk!
Setting up the VCR now. Only caught the last few minutes of the original broadcast.
Love, Scully
I watched it but turned for a few minutes and came back and it went from the child kidnappings to the end of ths show. Did I miss it or did they cut that part out ???
I just posted the transcript too.
You might have to get the barf bag out for the Leadership's statement especially the part that talks about helping for the victims and people should go to the cops.
Unfortunately, CNN only televised a condensed 1/2 hr version that didn't included the expose of the WTBTS policy of silencing abuse victims and those who speak up on their behalf.
Seawolf !!!!
You are right. It looks like they aren't showing the last half.
Was it the little baby? Were her parents the JWs? I missed something cause I thought they were having WTBTS people on too.
Yep, I saw it last night.....there were two girls and Bill Bowan on there. Same story that's happened thousands of times: these girls had been sexually abused by brothers in the Hall whom they trusted, they went to the elders to report it and the elders told them there was nothing they could do because there "wasn't two eye witnesses" to the abuse. And by the way, "you want to be careful who you talk to about this" because there was the veiled threat that they would be disfellowshipped if they went to the police because it "would bring reproach on Jehovah's name".
VOMIT, VOMIT, VOMIT...........
It's not these girls that bring reproach on Jehovah's name, it's these low-lifes that do the molesting and those that cover it up that are bringing reproach on Jehovah's name.
I hope to God that the Governing Body members will be forced to testify in open court (like Cardinal Law has been forced to) that they knowingly cover up cases like this and disfellowship anyone who dares to cross them.
What a bunch of slimeballs.
And I couldn't believe that pathetic letter sent by someone (probably that idiot who represents the legal dept, JR Brown) where it claims that the Society "abhores" molestation and that they "provide counselling for victims" and that they "never discourage anyone from going to the police". Bill Bowan said "that is a bold-faced lie". (good for you Bill!)
All three of them sat there, shaking their heads in absolute disgust when Connie Chung read that and I'm sure millions of viewers who were watching the show did the same thing.
Just keep going Brooklyn.......you're digging your own grave deeper and deeper each day........