SilentLambs - Why A Successful Movement?

by Larry 9 Replies latest jw friends

  • Larry

    The SilentLamb issue is MAJOR! This movement is truly historical and I am proud to be associated with it. But I was wondering, why is the SilentLamb issue getting the major focus? Wouldn't you agree that it's just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to the MAJOR problems of the BORG. I asked that question to a few people and they said it is because children are involved, and that captures peoples attention. Some said Bill utilize the media better than others. But what do you think, why is the child abuse the major issue at this point and not the Blood Issue, Shunning, 1914, UN, Alternative Service, False Prophecies, Voting, etc.? Just Wondering.

    Peace - LL

  • zenpunk

    I think its a big issue for many reasons. First the victims here are completely innocent young people begging for someone to stop this travesty and yet they are shamed and not taken seriously by the elders. Also, in some states what has happened here is illegal, to not report these molestors to the police. I've always thought the JWs were evil in their doublespeak and doublestandards, however, this is the lowest anyone could possibly sink as a human being.

  • Seeker4

    Sexual abuse of children in religious organizations is what is capturing the media's attention.

    Over and over I've tried to get some attention focused by the media on the fact that what makes this especially interesting is that the JWs have constantly touted themselves as the ONLY true religion, superior to all others, and with a better behaved membership that proves by its fruit that IT ALONE is blessed and used by God.

    The WTS defense in this situation - "hey, we're only human and we've got the same problems as every other group" - is an outright admission that they aren't God's special chosen one. But to the media, that is just "ho-hum-who-cares." Essentially all religions are full of strange teachings, failed prophecies, weird regulations and organizational hypocrisy, and ALL claim they are the one and only true one - and most of that is of interest only to members and former members.

    But serious crimes, and especially against children, will get some attention.


  • Simon

    Bill comes across very well - a normal guy standing up for what is right. He doesn't swear and use profanity which would trash the message and he has kept to the point and not confused things with any doctrine issues and the like.

    Like it's already been said, child abuse within religious organisations is hot news at the moment and to have the "squeeky clean" (they thought) Jehovahs Witnesses / WatchTower involved who, more than anyone else, makes a song and dance about other religions wrong-doing is just too good for the media.

    Bill is definitely on my list of 'people I admire'.

  • zenpunk

    That's one point I especially noticed last night. Bill is a good speaker. But, not just that, he's honest and sincere and it shows when he is interviewed.

  • TR

    I agree that the child abuse issue should be number 1.

    But what about those 'hovahs that have died because of wacky WTS flip flops in doctrine?

    Maybe if the "death" issue was brought to the fore, the media might also start paying attention to that. Any websites dedicated to the death of 'hovahs because of quack medical advise and WTS flip flops? This topic seems to be buried in the substantial wealth of negative WTS info.


  • amac

    Because the average Joe could probably care less about doctrinal issues within the WT. And even those lives lost due to the doctrines on blood, etc are probably not as vast as the number of people affected by child abuse.

  • Shutterbug

    Not only is Bill a stand up kind of guy he is also very intelligent, has considerable leadership skills and, most of all, he has a clear goal in mind, changing the policy of the wts to protect the children. If they would listen he is doing this for their own good, but listening doesn't seem to be their strong point.

  • alamb

    Because everyone has his own glass house. Most religions have doctrinal blunders, or things to hide. To point to the mistakes of the Borg is a big can of worms. To try to control them through the legal system or through legislation is virtually impossible.

    Child abuse is black and white and unlawful.

    I think there should be a category under hate crimes for what the Borg does to people, but until there is an actual crime, not just an insidious and immoral group that swallows people whole, no one is accountable.

  • nancee park
    nancee park

    To get such publicity over the transfusion deaths issues you would need

    1) a spokesperson who comes across as clear-minded, presentable and a since effective communicator

    2) utilization of the press for escalating publicity

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