I am doing some research with a young professor. Among other subjects, he teaches is a class on human sexuality. I asked him if he covered the subject of sexual abuse. He said he didn't and seemed uncomfortable with the issue. One evening over a few beers, I chastised him for not covering this important issue. Later, he agreed that I was right. Over the course of time, I told him about the JW-Silent Lambs issue. Well, last week he included the information in his lecture and class discussion. Beforehand, he went to the Silent Lambs web site, and was impressed with the resources available there. He told me that during the class he mentioned the Witnesses, and he noticed that one student shook her head as in "yes, that's true." Well, what I did is not major, but it is a part of the education we all can give to the general public. It made me very pleased that my work had done some good.
A professor mentions Silent Lambs
by larc 7 Replies latest jw friends
Hi Larc: Good work getting the word out. The issue is taking on more and more momentum. One day, hopefully sooner than later, the Watchtower Society will be forced to change its policies, and maybe by then, more and more JWs will wake up and leave the religion --- especially parents with young children.
Great example of what we all should do when the opportunity arises.I believe we should bring up this subject when it is appropriate to do so,we don't need to be radical about or people will think we are ummmm radical!Good job larc!!
Sam Beli
Great "incidental witnessing," larc!
I second you on what you said. However even if the WTS changes its policies, I will never join them and I hope that none of my family and relatives do either as I will show them what they are.
On the subject of them changing policies, there's also the possibility that in the future (if they change the current policies), they can revert back to the old policies as they had always done.
I am doing some research with a young professor. Among other subjects, he teaches is a class on human sexuality. I asked him if he covered the subject of sexual abuse. He said he didn't and seemed uncomfortable with the issue.
Larc, isn't it revealing that a professor with all his education and training, even teaching a class on human sexuality that he was uncomfortable with the issue? Without specific education on the issue of sexual abuse, many people, whether they have a university degree or not, are uncomfortable. I asked one older sister who had become aware of the sexual abuse in my family if she had every read any of the articles in the WTS publications. Her response, "Oh, I never read those articles. It makes me uncomfortable." I call it the Ostrich Syndrome. It is not unique to JWs, but they put themselves above "worldly" people in dealing with life's problems.
I'm glad you were able to encourage him to overcome his discomfort and be a real help to his students. Pedophiles are in every strata of society, not just JWs, which I realize we know. But it is important that we not assume children are safe with the atheist any more than the JW or the LDS or the Catholic priest, or the teacher or coach at school, or a close family member or family friend. I have a 4 generation history of abuse (that I know of) in my family. I cry to see some of my family that could have avoided the abuse if someone had spoken up earlier.
Those who are abused cannot go back and change the past, but by speaking out, we can prevent someone else for ever having such a past.
Heidi, Amber and Bill, you were great. You were brief and to the point and highlighted how you felt. I still have to keep a low profile but it is getting harder and harder.