Ben Gets First Choice!

by Englishman 7 Replies latest jw friends

  • Englishman

    Her Ladyship and I are absolutely delighted for our youngest son, Ben.

    This morning, like around a hundred thousand young Brits, Ben awoke in a state of nervous anticipation. Today was A-Level results day!,12321,775161,00.html

    A - Level examinations are the UK's springboard for 18 year old students to move from college on to university. Most students are awaiting the results from 3 or 4 subjects, each marked and graded from an A to an F.

    Top red - brick uni's such as Cambridge, Manchester, Oxford, Bristol and Edinburgh demand the highest possible standards of multi - A passes, whilst more down to earth uni's such as Plymouth will settle for 3 "C" passes, some down market uni's even accept 3 "D's".

    Ben had anticipated 3 "C's" which would have got him into Plymouth or Portsmouth, although he dearly wanted to attend Cardiff but felt it was too upmarket, as the uni demanded 3 "B's". Well, this is where the surprise came, Ben actually got 2 "C's" and 1 "B", so where would this leave him?

    At 3.30 the universities all opened their phone lines, so Ben got onto Cardiff on the stroke of the half-hour. Would they stretch their acceptance levels to accomodate him? Guess what?

    They've accepted him!!! Ben gets into Cardiff!

    We are so proud of him, well done Ben!


  • dmouse

    My congrats to Ben!

    Well done that man!

  • ugg

    way to go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! fantastic,,,,,now,,,go and celebrate!!!!!

  • Englishman

    way to go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! fantastic,,,,,now,,,go and celebrate!!!!!

    We surely will!


  • Simon

    Way to go Ben !

    We're very pleased to hear your good news

    Good job your dad isn't still in - you would be hearing about how futile 'storing up treasures in this doomed system' would be and how pioneering / window cleaning would be the best way to secure your future

    Hope you enjoy Uni.

  • ozziepost


    Tell Ben to look out for Shirley Bassey, the Queen of Cardiff. Lucky boy.

    Cheers, Ozzie

  • expatbrit

    Excellent results! Congratulations Ben! You qualify for another 4 years of drunken partying....lolol.

    Expatbrit (flunked it with 1 E, class)

  • outnfree

    Congratulations, Ben and proud parents!!!!

    Knock 'em dead at Cardiff, Ben!!!


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