Someone once wrote
that despite all of their fanatical strength and initial success
the Nazis were doomed from the beginning
because, underneath all the bluster,
they were nihilists.
A cold-hearted philosophy in which the value of every human feeling
and experience - is reduced to nothing.
So here we are
First, we begin with all art and human achievement
being worthless, destroyed at Armageddon. Then, ...
What value remains truly cherished by the Watchtower?
Truth? - no, not after the weekly, DAILY lies from Headquarters
Virtue? - no, not after good victims are disfellowshipped
and child molesters retained in good standing
and immoral Governing Body members shielded.
Love? - love? where? a love demonstrated by shunning family members
newly emphasized by a distant, legalistic group of corrupt
old men? Love demonstrated because Witnesses don't kill their
neighbors in war (failure to kill = love?)? Love demonstrated
by smug, arrogant elders who've made a wreck of their own
families and lives?
God? - How much greater a BLASPHEMY could you CREATE that saying
paying the bills for these downsizing conspirators?
Jesus? - JESUS??!! You mean the guy whose name and person are
forgotten in every Watchtower life experience? The guy
who 'signs the checks', but is otherwise absent in this
organization? The guy who can't be called "LORD JESUS"
in common Witness conversation without making THEM
FLINCH OR CRINGE? You mean that guy?
He left some time ago.
So, again, here we are
All the subterfuge,
all the camouflage is stripped away
and nothing remains but the very image that Witnesses have
been taught to visualize of the Devil
cold, cruel, self-exalted, lying
with no other value than self presevation
Congratulations, Brother "Boss"
You've won
If there ever was a time to get out,
it's now