.......hearing people belly ache about how "we can no longer swear" Or "say whatever we want"!!!
If you cannot make a sensible comment without swearing...then you are a moron!!
If you cannot get your point across without being rude and abusive to one another then you are a moron!! (I am very guilty of this and am working on it,i guess you can even say i am being rude now..and yes i am a moron..lol.. at times)
Having said that...Now...what do you LIKE about this forum?? You must like it more than not or you would'nt come here..right?Or do you just like to complain and see the negitivity in everything?
I for one like this forum because i can get the latest news without haveing to search for hours.
I like it because I can ask a question about something and most of the time someone knows the answer.
I like Crazy51...he has a great sense of humor...and he can also be serious when need be.
Now ..it's your turn...Are you going to CHOOSE to rip me apart Or are you going to CHOOSE to find the good in this forum???