An excellent, very civil debate between an atheist and a JW.

by Island Man 9 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Island Man
    Island Man

    I stumbled upon this video while doing my periodic YouTube search of the keyword "Jehovah". In the video a JW (actually two JWs, but only one does most of the speaking) debate an atheist.

    The atheist is a mild-mannered Iranian who at first seems deceptively easy and clueless (I think it has to do with the fact that English is not his first language), but soon proves he's no walkover - calmly, mildly and civilly. He gave some excellent arguments refuting the JWs' argument from design and argument from fine tuned earth. He even exposed their special pleading for the existence of a complex god lacking a designer right back onto them by applying it to the existence of the universe!

    The JWs were not able to offer any meaningful rebuttals to his points and ended up resorting to the fallacious argument from final consequences. At times you get the sense from looking at the JWs that they inwardly realize he's making good points they can't refute.


  • the comet
    the comet
    I watched that several days ago, I follow his Twitter feed. I emailed him after watching the video and we talked about the witnesses, I filled him in on some of their beliefs. He's a really nice guy and hopefully he's going to post another video of them. If anyone is interested, another guy does secret recording while talking to jw's, search, talk beliefs on YouTube or Twitter and you'll find him.
  • LoveUniHateExams

    Love the guy's response to the scripture: 'every house has a designer, therefore he that designed all things is God'.

    JW: if you were in a desert, and came across a beautiful mansion, stocked with food, fuel, chairs, tables, etc, wouldn't you conclude that it had designers?

    Iranian atheist: yes, I would conclude the mansion had a designer. Do you know why? Because I've seen people design and build houses. Have you ever seen a designer make a flower?

    JW: well, no.


  • nonjwspouse
    I wish I knew the process of how to mirror videos like this and save them. This will have a limited availability on you tube, obviously.
  • Crazyguy
    This is one of many reasons why JW's will sit in front of carts and never engage people when they come by and look at what's on the cart. JW's can't win any discussion. This is thier future silent ministry.
  • coalize
    This is one of many reasons why JW's will sit in front of carts and never engage people when they come by and look at what's on the cart. JW's can't win any discussion. This is thier future silent ministry.

    If i look behind, I remember, in the meetings, we was taught a lot on the manner to place the literature and very few to set out arguments!

  • Diogenesister
    And in some ways you can't help pitying the JW r &f because they have no real chance in these debates - as the wtbs dont allow them to GET THEMSELVES AN EDUCATION that they may at least attempt a rebuttal. Aside from being completely wrong of course too!
  • PaintedToeNail

    Interesting that he is an atheist considering his religious background. He must feel safe from ISIS!

  • Diogenesister
    Wow just wow!! I so like when he said that believing in God is basically the easy option so why wouldn't you belive if you could - a universe that is utterly neutral to your life is bloody hard to deal with as an atheist. I just wish straight away he had mentioned INTENTIONALITY and our ancient need to see intention in things for our own survival as a species. That follows through into seeing a "purpose" in this non exsistant God.
  • SG098

    Just after the 25min mark of the video they are talking about hell fire and the JW guy says concerning hell being a place of eternal torment,

    "...other parts of the bible talk about god being a god of justice's. So WE don't think [eternal torment] is just, so how much more so would our creator think that too."

    This is a classic case of, "God thinks like me."

    This is why agnostics and atheists say man created god; not god created man.

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