JWs don't peddle literature for the WB&TS. Really, they don't. The actual peddler is the Corp itself. The members are actually the buyers in this operation. They are the consumers, the ones who buy the Society lit. Once the lit has made it's journey from the press and into the literature desk at the KH, the money is now on it's way to HEADQUARTERS.
At this point, it matters not to the Corp if some dizzy householder "contibutes". What does matter is that this shmuck standing there at the door in his bathrobe scratchin' his nuts at 10AM Sat. morning might become a purchaser of WT goods. Every new book that comes out - they're gonna buy, sometimes Joe pub will buy more than one. A new edition of the NWT every few years, WT CD-ROMS, and the props that get used in the sales pitch at the door, and I'm referring of course to the WT & Awake mags.
Imagine having a printing company that doesn't pay taxes or wages, and has an exclusive market that numbers into the millions, with virtually every member garanteed to purchase any product you peddle to them... Can you imagine the MONEY you could make???