To get to the meeting ahead of time,
And at the book counter to wait in line,
To be present and comment at every meeting,
To welcome strangers with a greeting.
To visit a sick one and encourage,
To avoid wrong speech that will discourage.
To strive to all the fruits display,
To not neglect the need to pray.
To help to clean the Kingdom Hall,
To cheer someone with a telephone call.
To place a book with the use of Scriptures,
To teach my child with the use of pictures.
To come to the aid of those who lack,
To read the magazines from front to back.
To correctly fill out the subscription blanks,
To welcome the speaker and tell him thanks.
To greet one another with a smile,
To work on that great big magazine pile.
To put an end to a malicious story,
To seek first the kingdom, and not to worry.
To answer mildly when someone mocks,
To not forget the contribution box.
To keep my Bible clean and neat,
To occasionally take a front row seat.
To really rehearse my student talk,
To watch how we speak and how we talk.
To forgive and forget the fault of a brother,
To prove that we are Christians who love one another.
To work house to house with the circuit overseer,
To get the seven times prophecy clearer.
To prepare my assignment well in advance,
To show a quiet and mild spirit, the truth to enhance.
To share an experience I had in the field,
To study and build up strong faith as a shield.
To be at the circuit assembly each session,
To strive to make true peace my possession.
To speak consolingly to all those depressed,
To actually apply what the Watchtower stressed.
To offer transport to a brother without,
To find out what our youth are thinking about.
To use an illustration to make a point clear,
To speak up loudly so that all can hear.
To concentrate on the talk and not fall asleep,
to grasp a new point or something that's deep.
To turn your report in before someone asks,
To willingly do a few menial tasks.
To show an interest in the old and young,
To think of your works before using the tongue.
To read all the chapters assigned for the week,
And always the others advantage to seek.
To auxiliary pioneer at least once a year,
To informally witness without any fear.
To stay for the service meeting following the school,
To remember to stress that God's Kingdom will rule.
To give a fine witness by conduct alone,
To submit as a wife to the head of the home.
To remember that scripture, and read today's text,
To consider your mate's view, and your own wishes next.
To underline the answer in each paragraph,
To hear a wrong comment and try not to laugh.
To stay out in the service a little bit longer,
To sing the kingdom songs a little bit stronger.
To listen intently to the prayer and then,
To respond when its over with a heartfelt "AMEN."
I am continually amazed at what some will post to be upbuilding to their brothers and sisters in this cult.