Silent lambs

by happy man 1 Replies latest jw friends

  • happy man
    happy man

    I have follow your fight fore a long time, and I must say you have gone the hard way.

    This abuse issu is realy difficult, all of us who have been elders now that first, never go to the wordley courtroms widh your problems, and second, this confidencial thing, perhaps the intention is good, not to hurt peopel who made bad things. But in this case widh abuse i think this ruel is complitely wrong .

    Do you have any idea why the Gb is so stubbern on this?

    i read that this Andersson guy even have personal friends in GB, do you think we can see an splitt in this group?

    perhaps one or two leave?

    What happen inn ypour old cong, they must bee under tremendus pressure now,can they take this?

    here inn sweden i dont think this issu is so usual, is this an Us fenomen?

    When i read this horryfieing storys on silent lambs, it is fore mee unbelevebal that elders and men in high positions do this, do you have an explanaition to this?

    Is this evel persons, or have they been treated like this them selfs inn ther childhood?

    When you say this man is an abuser, what do you mean by that?

    Evrything is not black and white, perhaps someone have the opinion that one man tuching was dishonest, but the man himself say i was only give my love widh a hugg, if you understand what i meen.

    Like you i am an second generation JW, and i am sertenly one of the liberals , who was putt down from eldership , 2 years ago beaucause CO dont like when >I told him that he was to hard to the young peopel, dfd them fore very smal resosns, but when it comes to ekonomic problems as bankruptcy 1,2, or even 3 times, nothing happend, he was wery mad at mee, and suddenly i was called before commite who say, no more elder, you must ttake care of your famyli.

    When this happen I have been elder fore over 20 years.

    Now i think it is blessing to stan beside and look whats happend.

    I hope this hard men will go away soon, perhaps Jehova fix this, who now perhaps he use the media fore this.

    warm greatings from sweden

  • Gopher

    Do you have any idea why the Gb is so stubbern on this?
    Bill Bowen, when interviewed on Connie Chung's CNN program last week, revealed a clue. The men at WT Headquarters have known about this issue since at least 1993, when they published an Awake magazine on Child Abuse and then received a large amount of mail from JW's in many places underscoring the molestation problem. Between that and Barbara Anderson's research, they have known about this problem a long time.

    But they refused to act on it then. Such things are not supposed to happen in a "spiritual paradise". The image of the JW's would be tarnished.

    If they acted now, then they would be tacitly admitting that they had done nothing about this problem which has been hurting children for years and years.

    So they're caught between a rock and a hard place (those last words are mine and not Bill's).


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