Hi UNCLEPENN1, Here's the list of the governing body members.JOHN BARR(1913)--CAREY BARBER(1905)--MILTON HENSCHEL(1920)--SAMUEL HERD(19350)--THEODORE JARACZ(1923) STEVE LETT(1949)--GERRIT LOSCH (1941) GUY PIERCE(1934)--ALBERT SCHROEDER(1911)--DAVID SPLANE (1944) DANIEL SYDLIK (1919). The dates are when they were born. KARL KLEIN,and LYMAN SWINGLE both died this year.Im not sure about JOHN BARR or CAREY BARBER,as to whether they died also.I hope this helps. BLUEBLADES.
by Blueblades 5 Replies latest jw friends
Wow! Most of these guys are in their 80s and 90s! And isn't it strange that 4 guys on the GB were born around or after 1935 which is supposedly the cut-off date for the heavenly hope?
Nathan Natas
After Henschel left the WTS Presidency in 2000, Don Adams became President. Don is the first non-anointed WTS President, but it's all part of the legal re-organization; Don is the head of the corporation and the GB is the "spiritual" head.
What kills me is in this weeks watchtower they again profess that all the anointed have been accounted for .I don't know why they continue in this futile mindset on the issue.The bible does say noone can read the mind of God.
nancee park
But the guy who is really over things even without the title is Ted Jarasc who is on the Gov Body.
Neither Barr nor Barber are dead.