There has been much discussion as of late as to the subject of freedom of religion. There are some basic, fundamental concepts that should be kept in mind when approaching this subject, to wit, and vis a vee, which I will elaborate upon, in due time, as in "meat in due season." Freedom of Speech needs an operational definition, as is found in logical positivism and other gread philosophies found in Mad Magazine, Reader's Digest, and, Field and Stream. So let us embark on some of the major premises that need to be elaborated upon, to clarify these very important constructs, as such. So, let us list some basic premises, and their implications. 1. Some should exercise freedom of speech and some should not. Some, should be shot on site for saying anything. 2. Some should be moderators and some should not. Those that should, shoud be, and those that should not be, should not be. 3. Some people should post for freedom, and some should go to their room without supper. 4. Some should ask for rules, and some should read the owner's manual for their car, to see if they need an oil change. 5. Some should take up bowling and forget about their chess game. Last, but not least, some should read my grand daughter's poem, and take it to heart. It would improve their lives.
Freedom of Speech
by larc 2 Replies latest jw friends
Dang, I thought this was a pretty good parady of the freedom of speech thingy, and not a response, and this thingy gets put to page two in a heart beat. So I, unabashidly and without guilt, brought it back up top.
5. Some should take up bowling and forget about their chess game.
Freedom of speech means that if someone is going to comment on the fact I spend much of a typical game of chess with computers on defense, I will comment equally on those easy 5-8 spares they should have picked up and didn't.