I am very puzzled. When I find out I've been lied to, deceived, and mistreated, I don't ask for more. I vote with my feet.
The entire JW religion has been BASED on Armageddon coming soon, and the preaching work having to be done so a "dividing" can take place before Jehovah annihilates all the ones who do NOT come into the "umbrella" of the Organization. Everything in the literature over the years, has been geared toward this one thing. It is an elitist religion, considering itself to have higher moral values (they're just better at sweeping things under the rug than others), a better understanding of the Bible (blinking light!) and true prophecy (since when?).
Why, when the people KNOW it's wrong, that it's NEVER going to happen as they've been told, do they STAY? Because they don't want to lose their families who are too blind and elitist to see? If people would just WALK OUT of it, maybe it would die off like false religion should! What keeps people in such an unloving religion? Do people thrive on mistreatment and mental torture?