London Bethel Raided?

by NeonMadman 5 Replies latest social current

  • NeonMadman

    I received the following in an email this morning. Does anyone have more details?

    Panorama was shown 14th July and we heard shortly after that the police were
    very interested!

    I received a phone call last night, 19th Aug 2002 saying that there had been
    a report on the radio stating that the Watchtower in London had been raided
    by the police!

    More updates as news comes in!

    All the best from Paul.
  • hawkaw

    Well I just heard it was a rumor only - so I don't know if a raid has or has not taken place.

    I can confirm though, that the Strathclyde Police Force are looking at a case but what it involves no one is saying for confidentiality reasons. This is up in Scotland.


    Edited by - hawkaw on 20 August 2002 10:50:28

  • NeonMadman


  • Matty

    I have spoken to a friend at Mill Hill bethel and he hasn't heard about it, although it wouldn't be unusual for the powers that be to keep this quiet from most of the befel boyz. A police raid doesn't have to involve bashing doors down and running through corridors like they do on The Bill (uk cop tv show). If something did happen it may take a day or so to filter through.

    If anyone has any more information about this please post it!

  • Valis

    Couldn't one of you blokes or blokettes from the UK bbranch give a call to the London Police HQ and see if its true? I don't know if they would tell you but it might be worth a shot, or if any of you have connections to London papers that might help find out.


    District Overbeer

  • SYN

    What a cool word - Blokette

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